July 1, 2012

Charles Hodge (1797–1878) on “God is Love”

4. Positively [that "God is love," 1 John 4:18, 14], it means that love in God, as desire, complacency and benevolence, is essential, eternal and infinite. a. It is universal, extending to all his creatures. b. It is intelligent. c. It is holy. d. It is unfathomable. e. It is sovereign and discriminating. one creature is an angel, another a man, and another a brute, another an insect. Of rational creatures, some are preserved holy, some left to sin. Of the latter some are redeemed and others are not. f. It is affluent, rejoicing in enriching and adorning his creatures. g. It is immutable in all its forms, whether of simple benevolence or of electing saving love. h. It is manifold, manifesting itself in one form towards merely sentient creatures, in another towards rational beings, in another towards the unholy, and in another towards the redeemed, his peculiar ones, his יתידים (if that word can have a plural).
Charles Hodge, Princeton Sermons (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1879), 12.


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