Instructions: Be sure to also check the name index page on the Calvin and Calvinism blog. Unlike the broader categories of tags or labels on the left side of my blog, this name index page will give last names first, along with dates, links for biographical information (on Wikipedia, The Dictionary of National Biography, etc.), and a link for the writings that are available by the listed authors in the Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL). The citation “Tag/Label” link will almost exhaustively supply the reader with every instance where a given author is directly quoted or cited by secondary source. It is also possible to do a general search by using Blogger’s search feature at the top left corner of the blog. Under each name is listed only the quotes from the primary sources of an author. The various symbols before the names indicates that the person was
involved in writing one of the Reformed confessions, or contributed
to one of them (*Dort, §Heidelberg, ¶Second Helvetic, †Westminster, ‡Second London Baptist).
To find a particular name quickly, click on the letters below that correspond to the author’s last name.
A–B | C–D | E–F | G–H | I–J | K–L | M–N | O–P | Q–R | S–T | U–V | W–X | Y–Z |
Alexander, Archibald (1772–1851) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Alexander, Joseph Addison (1809–1860) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Alleine, Joseph (1634–1668) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Alleine, Richard (1611–1681) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Ambrose, Aurelius of Milan (c.340–397) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Ambrose, Isaac (1604–1664) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Annesley, Samuel (c.1620–1696) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Anyan, Thomas (c.1580–1632) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A Writings: N/A
Appleton, Nathaniel (1693–1784) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Chamberlain Writings: N/A
†Arrowsmith, John (1602–1659) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Atkinson, Benjamin Andrews (c.1680–1765) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wilson (in post)
Attersoll, William (†1640) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Augustine of Hippo (354–430) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Bagshaw, William (1628–1702) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Ball, Nathanael (1623–1689) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
Baron, Robert (c.1593/6–1639) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB (2) Writings: PRDL
Bastingius, Jeremias (1551–1595) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: OER Writings: PRDL
Bates, William (1625–1699) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Becon, Thomas (c.1512–1567) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Bellamy, Joseph (1719–1790) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Berkhof, Louis (1873–1957) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Bernard, Nicholas (†1661) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
Bèza, Théodore (1519–1605) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Blackwood, Christopher (1606–1670) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Brook
Bolton, Robert (1572–1631) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Bradford, John (1510–1555) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Brainerd, David (1718–1747) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
†Bridge, William (1600–1670) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Bucer, Martin (1491–1551) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Alexander, Joseph Addison (1809–1860) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Alleine, Joseph (1634–1668) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Alleine, Richard (1611–1681) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Ambrose, Aurelius of Milan (c.340–397) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Ambrose, Isaac (1604–1664) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Isaac Ambrose on God Begging
- Isaac Ambrose on Christ’s Affectionate Invitations
- Isaac Ambrose on the Reason Why God’s People Delight in Duties
Annesley, Samuel (c.1620–1696) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Anyan, Thomas (c.1580–1632) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A Writings: N/A
Appleton, Nathaniel (1693–1784) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Chamberlain Writings: N/A
- Nathaniel Appleton on the Will of God and the Death of Christ
- Nathaniel Appleton on God’s Preceptive Will and His Willingness to Save All Men
†Arrowsmith, John (1602–1659) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- John Arrowsmith on God’s Common Favor
- John Arrowsmith on 2 Peter 3:9 and Romans 2:4
- John Arrowsmith on God’s Will and Permission
- Bartholomew Ashwood on the Lord’s Good-Will for Sinners
- Bartholomew Ashwood on God’s Benevolent Love
Atkinson, Benjamin Andrews (c.1680–1765) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wilson (in post)
Attersoll, William (†1640) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Augustine of Hippo (354–430) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- Augustine Quotes on Christ’s Death
- Augustine on Christ’s Scars
- A Common Quotation from Augustine?
- Augustine on 1 Timothy 1:15
- John Calvin’s Reference to Augustine on God’s Love and Hate
- Augustine on Christ Begging
- Augustine on God’s Invincible Will
- Augustine on God’s Love and the Son’s Dying for Men
- More Wonderful Paradoxes in Augustine
- Augustine on Matthew 5:44–45
- Augustine on Loving the Man But Hating the Vice
- Augustine on “Perfect Hatred”
- Augustine on God’s Wish and Will
- Augustine on His Immoderate Praise of Plato and His Later Views on Romans 7:14
Bagshaw, William (1628–1702) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Ball, Nathanael (1623–1689) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
- Nathanael Ball on Christ’s Real Offer
- Nathanael Ball on Despising Christ’s Offers and Messages of Love
- Nathanael Ball on Christ’s Earnest Offer of Liberty
- Nathanael Ball on Christ’s Absolute and Conditional Will to Save
- Nathanael Ball Referencing 2 Peter 3:9
- Nathanael Ball on Pleading, Not Merely Publishing
- Nathanael Ball on the Three Great Suitors Seeking Us
- Remaining Quotes that Highlight the Revealed Will of God in Nathanael Ball’s Spiritual Bondage and Freedom
Baron, Robert (c.1593/6–1639) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB (2) Writings: PRDL
Bastingius, Jeremias (1551–1595) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: OER Writings: PRDL
Bates, William (1625–1699) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- William Bates on Regenerating and Common Grace
- William Bates on the Judgment of the Wicked
- William Bates on Christ’s Sufficiency
- William Bates on the Perfection of Christ’s Sacrifice
- William Bates on Common and Special Grace
- William Bates on God’s Earnest Offer
- William Bates on God’s General and Special Love
- William Bates on Baxter’s Middle-Way
- William Bates on Despising Redeeming Mercy
- The Whole Works of William Bates
- Herman Bavinck on Equivalency, Sufficiency and Commercialism
- Herman Bavinck on the External Call and Gospel Offer
- Herman Bavinck on Irresistible Grace
- Herman Bavinck on God’s Love, Goodness, and the Means of Grace
- Richard Baxter on ‘Did Christ Die for Those Who Perished in the OT?’
- Richard Baxter on the Influence of Names
- Identifying With Richard Baxter’s Reaction Against Antinomianism
- Richard Baxter on Praise
- Richard Baxter on ‘Did Christ Shed His Blood in Vain?’
- Richard Baxter on Universal Redemption
- Richard Baxter on Faith as a Fruit of Christ’s Death
- Richard Baxter on ‘Does an Unlimited Expiation Imply an Imperfect Redeemer?’
- Richard Baxter on Christ’s Death for Those Already in Hell
- Richard Baxter on the Wedding Feast, Christ’s Objective Sufficiency and the “New Futile Evasion”
- Richard Baxter on Augustine and Redemption
- Richard Baxter on the World in 2 Cor. 5:19
- Richard Baxter on Moral Power as Distinct from Natural Faculties
- Richard Baxter on God Kneeling to Entreat
- Richard Baxter on the Arrogancy of Some in Believing Half-Truths
- Richard Baxter Answers the Double Payment Question
- Richard Baxter on the Old Sufficiency/Efficiency Solution
- Richard Baxter on Christ’s Prayer in John 17
- Richard Baxter on John 17:9
- Richard Baxter’s Notes on 1 Timothy 2:5–6
Becon, Thomas (c.1512–1567) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Bellamy, Joseph (1719–1790) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Berkhof, Louis (1873–1957) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- Louis Berkhof on the Bona Fide Character of the External Call
- Louis Berkhof on the Great Love of God in the External Calling
Bernard, Nicholas (†1661) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
Bèza, Théodore (1519–1605) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Blackwood, Christopher (1606–1670) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Brook
Bolton, Robert (1572–1631) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Bownd/Bound, George (d.1662) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A
Boyce, James P. (1827–1888) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: WikiBradford, John (1510–1555) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Brainerd, David (1718–1747) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
†Bridge, William (1600–1670) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Bucer, Martin (1491–1551) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
¶Bullinger, Heinrich (1504–1575) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Burkitt, William (1650–1703) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Burroughs, Jeremiah (c.1600–1646) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Calamy, Edmund (1600–1666) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Calvin, John (1509–1564) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Carey, William (1761–1834) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Carroll, Benjamin Harvey (1843–1914) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
†Caryl, Joseph (1602–1673) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Chalmers, Thomas (1780–1847) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Chambers, Humphrey (c.1599–1662) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Smith Writings: PRDL- Heinrich Bullinger on Christ’s Expiation
- Heinrich Bullinger on General Grace
- Cornelis P. Venema on Heinrich Bullinger and God’s Will
- Heinrich Bullinger on Romans 2:4 and God’s Wish
- A Quote from John Bunyan’s Reprobation Asserted on Christ’s Death for All
- John Bunyan on Christ’s Sufficiency
- John Bunyan on General Love and Grace
- John Bunyan on God’s Grace, Goodness, Offers and Saving Will
- John Bunyan on the Heart of the Savior
- John Bunyan on the Power of Christ
- John Bunyan on the Mercy and Love of God
- John Bunyan’s Evangelistic Appeal in His Preface to The Jerusalem Sinner Saved
- John Bunyan on Reprobation and the Loving Heart of God
- Anthony Burgess on Ezekiel 33:11
- Anthony Burgess on Common Love and Outward Mercies
- Anthony Burgess on the General and Peculiar Love of God
- Anthony Burgess on God’s Will for Adam’s Obedience
Burkitt, William (1650–1703) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Burroughs, Jeremiah (c.1600–1646) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Jeremiah Burroughs on Means to Draw Sinners to Christ
- Jeremiah Burroughs on 1 Peter 3:18–20
- Jeremiah Burroughs on God Begging
- Jeremiah Burroughs on Hell as an Infinite Ocean of Scalding Lead
- Jeremiah Burroughs on Hosea 9:15 and the Difference Between Temporal and Everlasting Love
- Jeremiah Burroughs on Hosea 11:4 and the Difference in the Love of God
†Calamy, Edmund (1600–1666) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Edmund Calamy as Recorded in the Minutes of the Westminster Assembly
- Edmund Calamy on the General and Special Love of God
Calvin, John (1509–1564) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- An Excellent John Calvin Quote on Redeemed Souls Perishing
- One of My Favorite John Calvin Quotes: On Romans 5:18
- A Few John Calvin Quotes on the Extent of Christ’s Sufferings
- Even More from John Calvin on the Extent of Christ’s Sufferings
- John Calvin on Those Who Hear the Gospel and Those Who Don’t
- Yet More from John Calvin on Redeemed Souls Perishing
- John Calvin on Lamentations 3:33
- John Calvin on Head and Heart Knowledge
- John Calvin on What God Wishes and Approves
- John Calvin on Romans 2:4 and the Puritan Concept of Common Grace
- John Calvin and Matthew Henry on Acts 3:26
- John Calvin on John 5:34 and God’s Saving Will
- John Calvin’s Reference to Augustine on God’s Love and Hate
- Flynn’s Calvin Bomb and Quotes from His Sermons on Acts 1–7
- John Calvin on God’s Boundless Display of Goodness in the Gospel Call
- A Note by John Calvin on Isaiah 45:7
- John Calvin on Luke 23:34
- Highlighting Richard Muller’s Citations of John Calvin on God’s Slowness to Anger and Willingness to Save
- John Calvin on John 12:48 and Jesus’s Ardent Desire
- John Calvin on God’s Love and Goodness
- John Calvin on the Gospel Invitation and Offer, Universal Promises, and the Gift of Faith
- John Calvin and Others on the Proper Office of the Gospel and Other Quotes Related to Accidental Causation in Sinful Creatures
- Thomas D. Hawkes on John Calvin’s View of God’s General Love to All People
- John Calvin on John 12:47
- John Calvin on John 3:16
- John Calvin on Hosea 11:4
- John Calvin on the Gospel of God, Wherein He Wills, Urges, and Wishes Men to Repentance and Faith by Giving His Son
Carey, William (1761–1834) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Carroll, Benjamin Harvey (1843–1914) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- B. H. Carroll on “Christ’s Atonement and Paul’s Prayer”
- B. H. Carroll on 1 Tim. 2:4
- B. H. Carroll on Motives and Encouragements to Repentance; With Reference to 2 Peter 3:9
- B. H. Carroll’s Sermon on Ezekiel 33:11
- D. A. Carson Audio Messages and Our Motives in Evangelism
- D. A. Carson on False Dilemmas
- D. A. Carson on Christ's Sufficiency and God’s Love
- D. A. Carson on Matthew 7:16
- D. A. Carson’s Book on the Love of God
- D. A. Carson on the Love of God, the Free Offer and Hyper-Calvinism
- D. A. Carson on Matthew 23:37
- D. A. Carson on the Love and Will of God
- D. A. Carson on God’s Love and Hate
- D. A. Carson on the Love of God in the Fourth Gospel
- D. A. Carson on the Sovereignty-Responsibility Tension and the Love of God
- D. A. Carson on God’s Provisional and Conditional Love Toward His Own People
†Caryl, Joseph (1602–1673) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Joseph Caryl on Jesus Begging
- Joseph Caryl on the Distinction Between God’s General Willingness and His Effectual Power
Chalmers, Thomas (1780–1847) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Chambers, Neil Citation(s): Tag/Label
Chantry, Walter (1938–) Citation(s): Tag/Label
- Walter Chantry on the Mutual Attraction Between Jesus and Sinners
- Walter Chantry on God’s Attitude Toward Unbelievers
- Walter Chantry on the Importance of Man’s Will
- Walter Chantry on Luke 13:34–35
- Walter Chantry on Matthew 5:43–48
- Stephen Charnock on the Goodness of God
- Stephen Charnock on Christ’s Sufficiency
- Stephen Charnock on Natural and Moral Inability
- Stephen Charnock on the Redeemer’s Voluntary Suffering
- Stephen Charnock on Laying Hold of Christ’s Sacrifice
- Stephen Charnock on Head and Heart Knowledge
- Stephen Charnock on God Begging and His Affectionate Invitations
- Stephen Charnock on God’s Sincere Gospel Offers
- Stephen Charnock on God Withdrawing Common Grace
- Stephen Charnock on God’s Importunate Entreaties
- Stephen Charnock on Christ Weeping and Bleeding for the Sins of the World
- Flynn's Citation of Stephen Charnock on Redemption
- Stephen Charnock on 2 Peter 2:1
- Stephen Charnock on God’s Power Seen in His Patience
- Stephen Charnock on God’s Striving Patience
- Stephen Charnock on the Bruised Redeemer
- Stephen Charnock on Common Love and the Death of Christ
- Stephen Charnock Referencing Amyraut
- Stephen Charnock on God’s Hate for the Unbelieving Elect
- Nicholas Clagett on “Wasters of the Time of Grace”
- Nicholas Clagett on Abusing God’s Condescension in the Offer of Grace
Cole, Thomas (c.1627–1697) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Bremer Writings: PRDL
Collinges, John (1623–1690) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- John Collinges on Heaven Begging
- John Collinges on God’s Willingness to Save Sinners
- John Collinges on the Loves of God
- John Collinges on God’s Love and Hate in Different Respects
- John Corbet on God’s Will and Grace
- John Corbet on Conditional Decrees
- John Corbet on God’s Will and the Salvation of All Men
- John Corbet on the Salvability of All Men
- John Corbet’s Moderation
- John Cotton on God’s Love for Mankind
- John Cotton Explains God’s Sincere, Earnest Will and Desire for the Salvation of the World
Crawford, Thomas J. (1812–1875) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB (2) Writings: N/A
*Crocius, Ludwig (1586–c.1655) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Culverwell, Ezekiel (c.1554–1631) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Bremer Writings: PRDL
- Ezekiel Culverwell on Kosmos
- Ezekiel Culverwell on God’s Revealed Will in 2 Pet. 3:9; Ezek. 18:23, 32; Matt. 23:37 and 2 Cor. 5:20
- More from Ezekiel Culverwell on Ezek. 33:11 and 2 Pet. 3:9
Dabney, Robert Lewis (1820–1898) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- R. L. Dabney and Other Theologians on Volitional Complexity in God
- R. L. Dabney on Meditation
- More from R. L. Dabney on Meditation
- R. L. Dabney on John 3:16
- R. L. Dabney in Audio
- R. L. Dabney on the “Atonement” Term
- R. L. Dabney on Commercialism, Sufficiency and 1 John 2:2
- R. L. Dabney on the Westminster Confession
- R. L. Dabney on the Nature of Christ’s Sacrifice
- R. L. Dabney on God’s Threefold Design in the Common Call
- Discussions of Robert Lewis Dabney
- R. L. Dabney on Divine Simplicity
- R. L. Dabney on the Christian’s Duty Towards His Enemies
- R. L. Dabney on God’s Indiscriminate Proposals of Mercy
- J. L. Dagg on Other Forms of “Particular Redemption”
- J. L. Dagg on God’s Will of Precept
- J. L. Dagg on Various Senses of “Decree”
- Jean Daillé on “World” as Cited by Pierce
- Jean Daillé on the Greatness of Man’s Corruption in Rejecting God
- Did Christ Die for Those Who Perished in the OT?
- Curt Daniel on a Few Pitfalls Peculiar to Calvinists
- The History and Theology of Calvinism
- Caricatures of Hyperism
- Curt Daniel on Calvin and Heshusius
- Curt Daniel on the Disunity in the Godhead Argument
- Two Quotes from a Dr. Daniel Sermon
- Curt Daniel on Some Westminster Stats
- Curt Daniel on the Free Offer, the Will of God and Hyper-Calvinism
- Curt Daniel on God’s “Universal Saving Will”
- Curt Daniel’s Doctoral Thesis
- Curt Daniel on Bunyan, Luther, Zwingli, Bullinger and Two Reformed Confessions
- Curt Daniel on the Common Grace Controversy
- Curt Daniel on the Connection Between the “All” of the Atonement and the Revealed Will of God
- A Recent Series by Curt Daniel on the Five Points
- Curt Daniel on the Calvinism Debate and 4 Main Issues Regarding Hyper-Calvinism
- Curt Daniel on Hyper-Calvinism and the Denial of God’s Universal Saving Will
- Curt Daniel on Loving Our Enemies and a Hyper-Calvinist Error
- Curt Daniel on the Four Main Issues Regarding Hyper-Calvinism
*Davenant, John (1572–1641) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- John Davenant on John 3:16
- Future Posts on John Davenant
- John Davenant on Colossians
- John Davenant’s Picture and Some Quotes on the Extent of Christ's Death
- John Davenant’s Reply to the Double Jeopardy/Payment Argument
- John Davenant’s Sufficiency Distinctions
- John Davenant Republished
- John Davenant Writings
- John Davenant on the Greatest Love Argument
- John Davenant and the Cause of Predestination
- John Davenant on Romans 8:32
- John Davenant on God's Unfeigned Will and Calling
- John Davenant and William Twisse on the Salvability of the Non-Elect
- John Davenant on Different Senses of God’s Will
Dekker, Harold (1918–2006) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: The Banner
Denison, Stephen (†1649) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A Writings: PRDL
Dingley, Robert (1619–1659) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB, Brook
Diodati, John (1576–1649) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Doolittle, Thomas (1630–1707) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Downame, George (c.1563–1634) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Draxe, Thomas (d.1618) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Durham, James (1622–1658) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
Du Moulin, Pierre (1568–1658) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Dyer, William (d. 1696) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: N/A
Edwards, Jonathan (1703–1758) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- An Edwardsian Argument Against Annihilationism
- Jonathan Edwards on Heaven
- Serious Resolutions in Jonathan Edwards
- Jonathan Edwards on Christ’s Suffering for the Sins of the World
- An Edwardsian Invitation
- Jonathan Edwards on the Misery of the Damned Remembering God’s Love
- An Excellent Jonathan Edwards Quote on Redemption
- Jonathan Edwards on the Sincerity of God’s Calls and Invitations
- Jonathan Edwards on God Begging
- More from Jonathan Edwards on Redemption
- Jonathan Edwards on Common Grace and God’s Willingness to Save
- Jonathan Edwards on Christ and the Godly Seeking the Salvation of Sinners
- An Edwardsian Definition of Hell
- Jonathan Edwards on the Difference Christ’s Redemption Makes for the Generality of Mankind
- Jonathan Edwards on Sinners Rejecting the Love of God
- Jonathan Edwards’s Exhortation to Unbelievers from His Sermon on God's Glorious Grace
- Jonathan Edwards on Christ Laying Down His Life for Those That Will Be Damned
- Jonathan Edwards on Christ Seeking the Salvation of the Wicked
- Jonathan Edwards on Sinners Rejecting God’s Dying Love
- Jonathan Edwards on the Possibility of Salvation
- An Index of Various Books Containing Some Unpublished Sermons by Jonathan Edwards (Arranged by Date of Publication and Canonically)
Fairbairn, Patrick (1805–1874) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Theopedia Writings: IA
Farel, William (1489–1565) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Fenner, William (1600–1640) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
- John Flavel Quote on Keeping the Heart
- John Flavel on the Pains of Christ
- John Flavel on the Misery of the Damned
- John Flavel on Irrational Mirth
- John Flavel on Satanic Designs in Our Procrastinations
- John Flavel on Faith as Our Voluntary Response
- John Flavel on Christ Knocking: Chapter 1
- John Flavel on Romans 2:4
- John Flavel on Christ Knocking: Chapter 2
- John Flavel on Christ Knocking: Chapter 3
- John Flavel on 1 Peter 3:19–20
- John Flavel on the Shorter Catechism and Common Grace
- John Flavel on Christ Knocking: Chapter 4
- John Flavel on Christ’s Consentual Entry Into the Hearts of Men
- John Flavel on Being Concerned About Your Convictions
- John Flavel: A Moderate Calvinist?
- John Flavel’s Begging Christ
- John Flavel on Christ Knocking: Chapter 5
- The Works of John Flavel
- John Flavel on Counting the Cost of Coming to Christ
- John Flavel on Christ Knocking: Chapter 6
- John Flavel’s Reply to Baptist Hyper-Calvinism from Vindiciæ Legis et Fœderis
- John Flavel on Christ’s Willingness to Receive Sinners
Foxe, John (1517–1594) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Frelinghuysen, Theodorus J. (1691–1747) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, Appleton's Cyclopedia Writings: PRDL
Frost, John (c.1626–1656) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB, Brook Writings: N/A
Fulgentius, Claudius Gordianus (467–533) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Fuller, Andrew (1754–1815) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Andrew Fuller Against Commercialism
- Andrew Fuller on God’s Love
- The Works of Andrew Fuller
- Andrew Fuller on Pecuniary and Moral Justice
- Andrew Fuller on God’s Love, Good-Will, and Saving Desire
- Andrew Fuller on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Atonement
- Andrew Fuller on Moral Inability
Gale, Theophilus (1628–1678) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Theophilus Gale on Christ’s Heart in the Gospel Offer
- Theophilus Gale on Christ’s Affections, Gracious Invitations and Willingness to Save
- Some Important Historical and Theological Distinctions in Gale’s The Court of the Gentiles
- Theophilus Gale on the “Day of Grace”
- Theophilus Gale on God Begging
- Theophilus Gale on Christ’s Willingness to Give Life to Sinners
- Theophilus Gale on God's Intention in the Means of Salvation
Gill, John (1697–1771) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Gillespie, George (1613–1648) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Gilpin, Richard (1625–1700) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Gouge, Thomas (1605–1681) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Gouge, William (1575–1653) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Gray, Andrew (1634–1656) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Andrew Gray on Christ’s Seriousness and the Great Salvation
- Andrew Gray on Christ Begging
- Andrew Gray on Christ’s Five Glorious Robes
- A William Greenhill Observation on Ezekiel 33:11
- God’s Will in His Commands and the Special Case of Abraham
- The Bold Proclamation in William Greenhill
- William Greenhill on 15 Arguments for Christ’s Earnest Desire to Save Sinners
- William Greenhill on the Ingratitude of Rejecting Christ’s Free Offer
- William Greenhill on Man’s Destruction Being of Himself
- Benjamin Grosvenor on Jesus’s Willingness to Save
- Benjamin Grosvenor on The Temper of Jesus and God’s Offers of Grace
- More Quotes from Benjamin Grosvenor’s The Temper of Jesus
- Benjamin Grosvenor on the Good-Will of God
- William Gurnall on Holding the Truth in the Face of Danger
- William Gurnall on God Begging
- More from William Gurnall on Christ Begging
Hacon, Joseph (1603–1662) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Massingham Parva Writings: N/A
- Joseph Hacon on the Extent and Intent of Christ’s Death
- Joseph Hacon’s Response to the Double Payment Argument
Halyburton, Thomas (1674–1712) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Hardy, Nathanael (1618–1670) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Harris, Robert (1581–1658) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
- Robert Harris on Common and Peculiar Grace
- Robert Harris on Christ Begging
- Robert Harris on God Begging in His Calls and Offers of Grace
- Robert Harris on God’s Common and Special Love
- Matthew Henry on Proverbs 18:6–7
- Calvin and Matthew Henry on Acts 3:26
- A Timely Quote from Matthew Henry on John 3:21
- Matthew Henry on John 5:34
- Matthew Henry on Deut. 5:28–29 and God’s True and Earnest Desire
- Matthew Henry on Luke 7:30
- Nathaniel Heywood on God’s Offer of His Son to Save Thee
- Nathaniel Heywood on Christ Knocking and Begging
- The Works of Oliver Heywood
- Oliver Heywood on God’s Will, Christ's Desire and the Spirit’s Kind Impulses
- Oliver Heywood on God’s Cordial Wish
- Henry Hickman Responds to Pierce on Universal Redemption
- Henry Hickman’s Reply to Peter Heylin on John Hooper, Hugh Latimer, John Calvin, and Reprobation
Hobson, Paul (†1666) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Hodge, Archibald Alexander (1823–1886) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- A. A. Hodge on Discerning Truth’s Unity
- A. A. Hodge on Commercialism
- A. A. Hodge on the Confession and Common Grace
- A. A. Hodge on Irresistible Grace
- A. A. Hodge on God’s Kind, Honest, Free and Loving Offer
- Some Wisdom from Charles Hodge Against the Double-Payment Argument
- R. L. Dabney and Other Theologians (including Charles Hodge) on Volitional Complexity in God
- Charles Hodge on Scripture Over System
- Charles Hodge on 1 John 2:2
- Charles Hodge on God’s Will, 1 Tim. 2:4, Ezek. 33:11, Matt. 23:37, etc.
- Charles Hodge on Our Benevolent Sovereign
- Charles Hodge on John 3:16 and the Design of God to Render the Salvation of All Men Possible
- Charles Hodge on “God is Love”
Homes, Nathanael (1599–1678) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Hooper, John (c.1495–1555) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Hopkins, Ezekiel (1634–1690) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Ezekiel Hopkins on Christ Dying for Those Condemned on the Last Day
- Ezekiel Hopkins on the Saveability of All Men by the All-Sufficient Death of Christ
Howe, John (1630–1705) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- John Howe Quote on Our Mental Limitations
- John Howe on God’s Will (Voluntas Beneplaciti, et Signi)
- John Howe on Waiting for a Heavenly Understanding
- John Howe’s Allusions to 2 Peter 2:1
- John Howe on What the Gospel Reveals
- More from John Howe on God’s Will
- John Howe on the Design of Christ’s Death
- John Howe on Romans 2:4 and God’s “Kind Intention”
- John Howe Exhorting Unbelievers
- John Howe on Blood Guiltiness and the Redeemer’s Death
- John Howe on Common Grace
- John Howe on Holiness and the Hope of the Life to Come
- John Howe Speaking to the Devil’s Captives About the Redeemer
- More from John Howe on Common Grace
- John Howe on 1 Peter 3:18–20
- John Howe Exhorting Pretend Christians About the Design of Christ’s Dying
- John Howe on God’s Wonderful Patience
- John Howe on God’s Preceptive Will
- John Howe on Anthropopathic Speech, God’s Will and His Compassion
- John Howe on God Seeking Those Never Won by His Loving Allurements
- Key Dates in John Howe’s Life
- An Index for the Life and Works of John Howe
- Erroll Hulse on 2 Peter 3:9 in Reformation Today
- Two Erroll Hulse Quotes from The Great Invitation
- More from Erroll Hulse on The Great Invitation
- Erroll Hulse on John 3:16 and Hyper-Calvinism
- Erroll Hulse on the Connection Between Common Grace and the Free Offer
- Erroll Hulse on Hyper-Calvinism, Responsibility and John Gill
- Erroll Hulse on the Redeemer's Tears
- An Excerpt from Erroll Hulse on the Views of Calvin
- Erroll Hulse’s Definition of an "Offer"
- John Humfrey on Redemption
- More from John Humfrey on Redemption
- A Few Historical References by John Humfrey on the Redemption Controversy
- John Humfrey’s Classical Christology as it Relates to the Atonement
- John Humfrey on the Purchase of Faith
Janeway, James (1636–1674) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Jenison, Robert (c.1584–1652) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
Jenkyn, William (1612–1685) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- William Jenkyn Quotes on Grace, General Mercy and Love
- William Jenkyn on God’s Love
- A Quote from William Jenkyn’s Dying Thoughts on God’s Unwilling Affliction
Keach, Benjamin (1640–1704) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Benjamin Keach on God’s Sincere Offers
- Benjamin Keach on Common Grace
- Benjamin Keach on Christ’s Offer of Love
- Benjamin Keath on Abusing Offers of Love and Preparation for Death
- Benjamin Keach’s Notes Related to Matthew 23:37
Kingsmill, Andrew (1538–1569) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
‡Knollys, Hanserd (1599–1691) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Knox, Hugh (c.1733–1790) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Annals of the American Pulpit
Knox, John (c.1514–1572) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- John Knox on Common Grace
- John Knox on Common Love
- Donald John MacLean on John Knox, the Gospel Offer, Common Grace, and God’s Universal Love
Kuiper, Rienk Bouke (1886–1966) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Kuyper, Abraham (1837–1920) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: WikiWiki Writings: N/A
- Abraham Kuyper on the Indiscriminate Gospel Proclamation and Christ’s Ransom as “Sufficient for You”
- Abraham Kuyper on Jesus’s Wish and Love for Reprobate Jerusalem
Lamb, Thomas (†1686) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB, Brook, M&S Writings: PRDL
- Thomas Lamb on Christ’s Death for All as a Ground to Preach to All
- Thomas Lamb’s First Words to the Reader in A Treatise of Particular Predestination
- From Thomas Lamb’s Preface to the Reader in the Book Absolute Freedom from Sin by Christ’s Death for the World
- Thomas Lamb on Salvation Available in Christ for All
- Thomas Lamb’s Crucial Agreement with John Goodwin
- More from Thomas Lamb on Christ’s Death for All
Langley, Samuel (d.1694) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A Writings: N/A
Larkham, Thomas (1602–1669) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
- Thomas Larkham on God’s Patience and Fair Offers
- Thomas Larkham on the General Love of God
- Thomas Larkham on Christ’s Sufficient Satisfaction for the Sins of the Whole World
- Thomas Larkham on God Begging and Yearning Over Lost Mankind
Leigh, Edward (1602–1671) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Edward Leigh on God’s Patience and Long-Suffering
- Edward Leigh on God’s Common and Special Grace
- Edward Leigh on God’s General and Special Mercy
Levitt, William (fl.1652) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A Writings: PRDL
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899–1981) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones and the Centrality of Pulpit Teaching
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Common Grace and God’s Strivings
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Common Grace
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones on God’s Love and Judgments
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Credobaptist
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Matthew 5:45
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones on John Wesley and Doctrinal Regeneration
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Rom. 2:4 and the Will of God; With Reference to Ezek. 33:11, Matt. 5:45, 23:37, Acts 14:17, 1 Tim. 2:4–6, and 2 Pet. 3:9
Lorimer, William (1640–1722) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: FAE Writings: PRDL
Luther, Martin (1483–1546) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Martin Luther on the Will of God and Matthew 23:37
- Martin Luther on Christ’s Sacrifice for the Sins of the Whole World
- Martin Luther on John 3:16
- Selections from Martin Luther’s Gospel for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity on Mark 7:31–37
- Martin Luther on John 3:16–21
- An Excerpt from Martin Luther’s Second Sermon on Mark 7:31–37
- Martin Luther on John 1:29
- Miscellaneous Quotes from Martin Luther Related to the Love of God and the Death of Christ for the Sins of the Whole World and the Human Race
MacArthur, John F. (1939–) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- John MacArthur on God’s Love
- The R. C. Sproul vs. John MacArthur Baptism Debate
- John MarArthur on the Sincerity of the Gospel Offer
- More from John MacArthur on God’s Universal Saving “Wish” and “Desire”
- Phil Johnson vs. John MacArthur (and Many Others) on “God Begging”
- The MacArthur Study Bible Note On Matthew 23:37 As Expressing A Wish of God and A Well-Meant Appeal
Maden, Richard (c.1591–1677) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A Writings: PRDL
Mallery, Thomas (fl.1662) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB (bottom entry)
Manlove, Timothy (1633–1699) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
Manton, Thomas (1620–1677) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Thomas Manton on Man’s Part in Salvation
- Thomas Manton on Jude 4
- Thomas Manton on James 1:5 and God’s Proposals of Grace
- Thomas Manton Affirms Common Grace
- Thomas Manton on God Begging
- Thomas Manton on Offers of Grace
- J. C. Ryle on Thomas Manton on the Death of Christ and John 3:16
- Thomas Manton: A Heart to Know
- Thomas Manton on the Justice of Eternal Torment
- Thomas Manton on the Damned Remembering Grace
- Thomas Manton on God as Loving, Yet Eternally Punishing
- Thomas Manton on Reprobates as Damned by Desert, not by a Mere Decree
- Thomas Manton on Refusing God’s Grace
- Thomas Manton on Sinning Against the Sweetness of Grace
- “Common Love” and “Special Love” in Thomas Manton
- The Works of Thomas Manton (An Index)
- Thomas Manton on the Will and Human Responsibility
- More from Thomas Manton on Common and Special Love
- Thomas Manton on God Begging #2
- Moral and Natural Ability in Thomas Manton
- Thomas Manton Citing Romans 2:4
- Thomas Manton on Loving and Hating Our Neighbor
- Thomas Manton Comparing the Elect with the Reprobate
- Thomas Manton on God’s Common Mercy, Patience, and Invitations
- Thomas Manton on God’s General Love in Sending a Savior, and His Alike Favor in the Free Offers of Grace
Mastricht, Petrus van (1630–1706) Citations: Tag/Label Bio: Wiki (DE) Writings: PRDL
- Peter van Mastricht on Common Grace
- Petrus van Mastricht on the Threefold Love of God Toward His Creatures
- Petrus van Mastricht on Universal and Common Grace
Mather, Increase (1639–1723) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Increase Mather on the Nature of Sinning Against the Gospel
- Increase Mather on the Means and Motive of Christ’s Knocking
- Increase Mather on Common and Special Grace
- Increase Mather on the Lord’s Casting Off and Common Love
- John Mayer on 2 Peter 3:9
- John Mayer on 1 Tim. 2:4–6
- Augustine and John Mayer on Love the Person and Hating the Sin
- John Mayer on Ezekiel 18:23, 30–32
- John Mayer’s Explanation of the Redemption of All Mankind in the Catechism
McCheyne, R. M. (1813–1843) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
- R. M. M‘Cheyne on Christ's Love for Judas
- R. M. M‘Cheyne on Christ's Love for Judas and Those Like Him
- R. M. M‘Cheyne on Isaiah 48:1
- Works of R. M. M‘Cheyne
- Robert Murray McCheyne on Christ’s Sufficiency and Willingness to Save All
- Robert Murray McCheyne on God’s Wish for All to be Saved
Millar, David (1687–1757) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A Writings: PRDL
More, John (†1592) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Mosse, Miles (fl.1580–1614) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
Muller, Richard Alfred (1948–) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, CTS
- Richard Muller on Sola Scriptura
- Richard Muller on Moïse Amyraut and Confessional Boundaries: Part 1
- Richard Muller on Moïse Amyraut and Confessional Boundaries: Part 2
- Observations from Richard Muller’s Review of Jonathan Moore
- More Observations from the Writings of Richard Muller
- Richard Muller’s Mid-America Lectures
- Richard Muller’s Clarification of the Question of “L” [Limited Atonement] in History and its Background
- Richard Muller on Martin Luther and the Will of God
- Richard Muller on the Extra Calvinisticum
- Richard Muller on Permissio and Permissio Efficax
- Richard Muller on the Problem of TULIP
- Richard Muller on Turretin and Free Choice
- Richard Muller on the Amor Dei
- Richard Muller on Common Misunderstandings of the Canons of Dort
- Richard Muller on God’s Universal and Special Love in Early Reformed Thought
- Richard Muller on the Grace and Patience of God in Reformed Orthodoxy
- Highlighting Richard Muller’s Citations of Calvin on God’s Slowness to Anger and Willingness to Save
- Richard Muller on Moïse Amyraut and Confessional Boundaries: Part 3
- Richard Muller on Divine Benevolence (Benevolentia), Goodness (Bonitas), Longsuffering (Longanimitas), and Grace (Gratia)
- Richard Muller on Solutio, Solutio Idem, and Solutio Tantundem
Murray, Iain H. (1931–) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, Monergism
- Iain Murray on Gill
- Iain Murray on Spurgeon, Hyper-Calvinism, and God’s Saving Will
- Iain Murray on the Love of God and Hyper-Calvinism
- From Iain Murray’s Correspondence with David Engelsma
- Iain H. Murray on God’s Universal Love and Willingness to Save All Men
- Iain Murray on the Sincerity of God’s Offer
- Iain Murray’s Summary of Spurgeon v. Hyper-Calvinism
- Iain Murray’s Review of David Silversides’s Book on the Free Offer
- John Murray on Faith as the Act of Man
- John Murray on Hyper-Calvinism and the Free Offer
- John Murray’s Caution on the Reprobation Term
Nalton, James (c.1600–1662) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
Nettleton, Asahel (1783–1844) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, Nettles Writings: Tyler
- Asahel Nettleton on 2 Corinthians 5:20
- Asahel Nettleton on Romans 2:4
- Asahel Nettleton on Revelation 3:20
- Asahel Nettleton on Total Depravity and Free Agency
- Remaining Quotes by Asahel Nettleton on the Free Offer and the Death of Christ
- Matthew Newcomen on God’s Gracious Condescension in Christ and Infinite Love to Mankind
- Matthew Newcomen on Offers of Grace and the Damned Being Without Excuse
- George Newton on Christ Begging and Beseeching
- George Newton on Common and Special Love
- George Newton on the Sin of Unbelief, the Father Begging, and the Son’s Death for Mankind
Oldfield, John (c.1627–1682) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: N/A
Owen, John (1616–1683) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Packer, James Innell (1926–2020) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Palmer, Anthony (c.1618–1679) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
- Anthony Palmer on Mistaking Common Grace for True Grace
- Anthony Palmer on God’s Design and Willingness to Save Sinners Freely
- Anthony Palmer on Christ Begging
Pawson, John (c.1620–1654) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A
Pearse, Edward (c.1633–c.1674) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB
Perkins, William (1558–1602) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- William Perkins Quotes from David Silversides’s Book on the Free Offer
- William Perkins on Matthew 23:37
- William Perkins on the Love of God
- William Perkins Distinguishing Between Restraining Grace and Renewing Grace
- William Perkins on Christ Standing and Knocking
Pinke, William (c.1599–1629) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
- William Pinke on Christ’s Fair Offers of Salvation
- William Pinke on the Sum and Scope of Christianity
Polhill, Edward (1622–1694) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
- Edward Polhill on the Proportion of Christ’s Suffering
- Edward Polhill and Lazarus Seaman Connection
- Edward Polhill’s Speculum Theologiae in Christo
- Edward Polhill on God’s Love
- Edward Polhill on the Universal Terms in Relation to Christ’s Death
- Edward Polhill on God’s Will of Salvation and the Death of Christ
- Edward Polhill on the Extent of the Gospel Commission and the Death of Christ
- Edward Polhill on the Unmortified Man for Whom Christ Died
- Edward Polhill on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death for All
- Edward Polhill on Christ’s Satisfaction and Unequal Love in God
- Edward Polhill’s Essay on the Extent of Christ’s Death
- Edward Polhill on God’s Will for the Conversion of the Reprobate
- Edward Polhill Distinguishing Between the Decrees of God as Related to His General Promise
Poole, Matthew (1624–1679) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Powell, Vavasor (1617–1670) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
- Vavasor Powell on God’s Love and Mercy Bestowed on Sinners
- Vavasor Powell on Christ’s Willingness to Save All and Sovereign Good Pleasure
- John Preston on God’s Desire
- John Preston on Complexity in the Will of God
- John Preston on Christ’s Sufficiency
- Thomas Ball on the Discussion Between John Preston and Francis White on Redemption
- St. Prosper on the Will of God
- Prosper's Use of “All Without Exception”
- From Prosper’s Defense of Augustine: On Christ’s Redemption
- William Prynne on the Will of God
- William Prynne on the Riches of God’s Love to Mankind
- William Prynne on the Sufficiency and Efficacy of Christ’s Death
Quick, John (1636–1706) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Randall, John (1570–1622) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
Rawson, James (†1673) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A Writings: PRDL
†Reynolds, Edward (1599–1676) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Edward Reynolds on God Beseeching
- Edward Reynolds on the Lord’s Salvation Begging and Suing for Acceptance
- Edward Reynolds on Restraining and Renewing Grace
- Edward Reynolds on God’s General and Special Love
Ridley, Nicholas (c.1500–1555) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Robinson, John (c.1575–1625) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Robinson, Ralph (1614–1655) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Robotham, John (fl.1654) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
Rogers, Daniel (1573–1652) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Rollock, Robert (c.1555–1599) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Rous, Francis (1579–1659) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Rowe, John (1626–1677) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Rutherford, Samuel (1600–1661) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Samuel Rutherford and the Idea of God Begging
- Samuel Rutherford on the ‘Sweet Evangelick Invitation’
- Samuel Rutherford on Common Grace and Universal Love
- Samuel Rutherford on God’s Love and Hate
- J. C. Ryle on John 3:16
- J. C. Ryle on John 6:32
- J. C. Ryle’s Meditations on the Cross of Christ
- J. C. Ryle on John 6:27
- J. C. Ryle’s Gospel and What He Thinks We Ought to Say
- J. C. Ryle on Thomas Manton
- F. F. Bruce and J. C. Ryle on John 4:42
- J. C. Ryle’s Expository Thoughts on the Gospels
- J. C. Ryle on Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34
Scott, Thomas (1747–1821) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- Thomas Scott on Natural and Moral Ability
- Thomas Scott on the Death of Christ for All and Presumption
†Seaman, Lazarus (†1675) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
†Sedgwick, Obadiah (c.1600–1658) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Sedgwick, Richard (1574–1643) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Brook Writings: PRDL
Shedd, W. G. T. (1820–1894) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- Two W. G. T. Shedd Quotes from Calvinism: Pure & Mixed
- The Basis of W. G. T. Shedd’s Universal Offer
- W. G. T. Shedd’s Dogmatic Theology
- W. G. T. Shedd on the Atonement
- More from W. G. T. Shedd on the Universal Gospel Offer
- William G. T. Shedd on Romans 2:4
Shelton, Thomas (1601–c.1650) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
- Thomas Shelton, Richard Sibbes, and John Robotham on the Beams of God’s Love
- Several Insightful Similes by Thomas Shelton
Shower, John (1657–1715) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Sibbes, Richard (1577–1635) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Richard Sibbes on Our Security in Christ
- Richard Sibbes on Common Grace
- A Richard Sibbes Comment on Christ’s Death and Offers of Salvation
- Richard Sibbes on God Begging
- Richard Sibbes on Christ’s Treatment of His Enemies
- Thomas Shelton, Richard Sibbes, and John Robotham on the Beams of God’s Love
Slater, Samuel (†1704) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
Spring, Gardiner (1785–1873) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, M&S
Spring, Samuel (1746–1819) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: N/A
Sproul, R. C. (1939–2017) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- R. C. Sproul on Statism
- The R. C. Sproul vs. John MacArthur Baptism Debate
- R. C. Sproul on Passive Hardening and Common Grace
- R. C. Sproul Evades the Question: “Does God Desire All People to be Saved?”
- R. C. Sproul on Love and Hate in God
- R. C. Sproul on God’s Love and Common Grace
- A Response to R. C. Sproul’s Answer to My Question on the Well-Meant Offer
- A Reply to R. C. Sproul and John MacArthur on the Love of God
- Charles Spurgeon’s Beautiful Expression on Divine Illumination
- A Timely Quote by Charles Spurgeon on Providence and Resting in God
- Charles Spurgeon Describing Hyper-Calvinists on Reprobation
- Charles Spurgeon Chiding Some “Older Calvinists” on 1 Tim. 2:4
- Charles Spurgeon on the Whole Truth and Man’s Duty
- Charles Spurgeon on the Act of Faith
- Charles Spurgeon on God Begging
- Charles Spurgeon: Theology Ought Not to be Petrified Scripture
- Charles Spurgeon on a Reason for Thanksgiving and Thanks-Living
- Charles Spurgeon on Ezekiel 33:11
- Charles Spurgeon on Loving Christ Through Doctrine
- More from Charles Spurgeon on God Begging
- Charles Spurgeon on the Consistency of God’s Loving and Just Character
- Charles Spurgeon on Preaching the Love of God
Stoddard, Solomon (1643–1729) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Strong, A. H. (1836–1921) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
†Strong, William (d.1654) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- William Strong on the Motions of the Spirit, Offers of Grace, and Kneeling Mercy
- William Strong on the Rich Young Ruler, God’s Restraining Grace and Common Love
- William Strong on Mere Common Love Ending in Everlasting Hatred
- William Strong on the Double Will of God
Superville, Daniel de (1657–1728) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Swinnock, George (1627–1673) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
- George Swinnock on Universal Offers of Grace
- George Swinnock on Christ's Death, His Willingness to Save, and the “Well-Offered” Gospel
- George Swinnock on What Will Aggravate the Misery of the Damned
- George Swinnock on God’s Special and General Love
- George Swinnock's “Well-Offered” Gospel
- The Works of George Swinnock
- More from George Swinnock on God’s Tenders and Offers
Taylor, Abraham (fl.1727–1740) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
Taylor, Thomas (1576–1633) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
- Thomas Taylor on God’s Universal and Special Love
- Thomas Taylor on God’s Offers of Peace and Christ’s Loving Invitation
- Paul Testard’s Dualistic View of the Atonement
- John Stalham (d. 1681) on Paul Testard’s Atonement Views
- Collected Writings of James Henley Thornwell
- James Henley Thornwell on God’s General Goodness and Love
Traill, Robert (1642–1716) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
Trapp, John (1601–1669) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Travers, Walter (c.1548–1635) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Trelcatius, Lucas, Sr. (1542–1602) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Truman, Joseph (1631–1671) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
- Joseph Truman on Christ’s Satisfaction
- Joseph Truman on the Natural/Moral Ability Distinction in Twisse
Turretin, Francis (1623–1687) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Francis Turretin on the Will of God
- One of Francis Turretin’s Misrepresentations of Salmurian Theology
- William Twisse Quote on Christ’s Death for All
- William Twisse on Universal Redemption
- John Davenant and William Twisse on the Salvability of the Non-Elect
§Ursinus, Zacharias (1534–1583) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- The Heidelberg Catechism and Zacharias Ursinus on Christ’s Death and the Will of God
- Zacharias Ursinus on Christ’s Satisfaction
- Zacharias Ursinus Answers “What is the Gospel?”
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- James Ussher’s Sermons
- James Ussher: Christ Offered For You and To You
- Another Excellent Quote from James Ussher on Christ’s Sufficient Redemption
- James Ussher’s Body of Divinity
- The Whole Works of James Ussher in 17 Volumes
Van Til, Cornelius (1895–1987) Citations: Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: N/A
Venning, Ralph (c.1621–1674) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Vincent, Nathaniel (c.1639–1697) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Wadsworth, Benjamin (1670–1737) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: N/A
Walaeus, Antonius (1573–1639) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
†Walker, George (1581–1651) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Ward, Samuel (1577–1640) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Wardlaw, Ralph (1779–1853) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Warne, Jonathan (fl.1731–1742) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A
Watson, Thomas (c.1620–1686) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Whitaker, Jeremiah (1599–1654) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Whitaker, William (1548–1595) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Whitefield, George (1714–1770) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Whittingham, William (c.1524–1579) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Wigglesworth, Michael (1631–1705) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Wilcox, Thomas (c.1549–1608) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Willard, Samuel (1640–1707) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Williams, William (1685–1741) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Annals of the American Pulpit
Witherspoon, John (1723–1794) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, M&S Writings: PRDL
Woodbridge, Benjamin (1622–1684) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, BS Writings: PRDL
Yates, John (fl.1612–1660) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Zanchi, Girolamo (1516–1590) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Zwingli, Ulrich (1484–1531) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Venning, Ralph (c.1621–1674) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Ralph Venning on God Begging
- Ralph Venning on God’s Offers, Grace, Goodness, Patience and Mercy
- Ralph Venning on Humbly Submitting to the Truth
- Ralph Venning on Paradox in God’s Will
Vincent, Nathaniel (c.1639–1697) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
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- Nathaniel Vincent on Romans 2:4, God’s Goodness, Mercy, and Love
- The Revealed Will in Nathaniel Vincent’s The Conversion of a Sinner: Part 1
- The Revealed Will in Nathaniel Vincent’s The Conversion of a Sinner: Part 2
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- Nathaniel Vincent on 1 Peter 3:18–20
- Nathaniel Vincent on the Possible Salvation of the Reprobate Drawn from the Son's Incarnation
- Nathaniel Vincent on the Cords of God’s Love and Romans 2:4
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- Geerhardus Vos on God’s General and Special Love
- Geerhardus Vos on God’s Will of Decree and Will of Precept, His Love, and His Emotion
- Geerhardus Vos on Common Grace
Wadsworth, Benjamin (1670–1737) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: N/A
Walaeus, Antonius (1573–1639) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
†Walker, George (1581–1651) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Ward, Samuel (1577–1640) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Wardlaw, Ralph (1779–1853) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- Ralph Wardlaw on Sufficiency, Equivalentism, and Commercialism
- Ralph Wardlaw on Watering Down the Gospel
- Ralph Wardlaw on Humility and Interpretation
- Ralph Wardlaw’s Two Essays
- Ralph Wardlaw: Atonement not Commercial
- Ralph Wardlaw on the Extent of the Atonement
Warne, Jonathan (fl.1731–1742) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A
Watson, Thomas (c.1620–1686) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Thomas Watson on God’s Mercy
- Thomas Watson on Common Grace
- Thomas Watson on God’s Patience, Mercy and Love
- Thomas Watson on Enriching Bruises
- Thomas Watson on Considering the Mercies of God
- Thomas Watson on God’s Will to Bring Men to Repentance
- Thomas Watson on the Possibility of Salvation
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- Thomas Watson on God’s Choicest and Common Love
- Thomas Watson on God’s Will of Precept and Permissive Decree
- Thomas Watson on Christ Begging
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- The Works of the Rev. Isaac Watts in 9 Volumes
- Isaac Watts on Jesus’s Love for the Rich Young Ruler
- Isaac Watts on Natural and Moral Impotency
- Isaac Watts’s Dualistic View of the Atonement
†Whitaker, Jeremiah (1599–1654) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Whitaker, William (1548–1595) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Whitefield, George (1714–1770) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- George Whitefield on Common and Special Grace
- George Whitefield on Christ’s Will and Desires
- A Brief Analysis of George Whitefield's Reply to John Wesley on God’s Mercy and Love
- George Whitefield on Preaching and the Love of God
- An Example of a George Whitefield Gospel Invitation
- George Whitefield on God Begging
- George Whitefield on Our Love and God’s Love
- More from George Whitefield on Jesus’s Love for All Mankind
- George Whitefield on Preaching to Self-Righteous Sinners, or Sinai Before Zion
Whittingham, William (c.1524–1579) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Wigglesworth, Michael (1631–1705) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Wilcox, Thomas (c.1549–1608) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Willard, Samuel (1640–1707) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Samuel Willard on God Begging
- Samuel Willard on the Conscience of the Damned Remembering the Day of Grace
- Samuel Willard on God’s Good Will in the Gospel Offer
- Samuel Willard on God’s Common and Special Love
- Andrew Willet on God’s Revealed Salvific Will
- Andrew Willet on the Common and Special Grace of God
- Andrew Willet on Romans 2:4
Williams, William (1685–1741) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Annals of the American Pulpit
- William Williams on the Nature of God’s Gospel Offer
- William Williams on the Nature of the Faith Which Justifies
Witherspoon, John (1723–1794) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, M&S Writings: PRDL
- John Witherspoon on the Extent of Christ’s Death
- John Witherspoon on the Common Manner of Theological Controversy
Woodbridge, Benjamin (1622–1684) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, BS Writings: PRDL
Yates, John (fl.1612–1660) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Zanchi, Girolamo (1516–1590) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Zwingli, Ulrich (1484–1531) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL