October 19, 2014

Vavasor Powell (1617–1670) on God's Love and Mercy Bestowed on Sinners

Powell begins to exhort lost "sinners" (p. 65) to exalt Christ and to "submit unto the Lord Jesus." He says, "there are many of you here this day that stand in need of Christ, who have not stooped, and bowed down to him." He beseeches them in order to incite their hearts to consider various motives. Here is one of them:
6. Because that all the love and mercy which the Lord hath revealed to you, and bestowed on you, they are to bring you to obedience unto him.

O consider! what mercies God hath heaped upon you, he hath given you Houses, Lands, Children, Servants, Honours, pleasure, and dominion, and he hath made your enemies to stoop to you; O now what doth the Lord expect from you? but that you should submit unto his Son.
Vavasor Powell, Christ Exalted Above All Creatures by God His Father (London: Printed by Robert Ibbitson for Livewell Chapman at the Crown in Popes-head Alley, 1651), 67.


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