July 19, 2017

Thomas Taylor (1576–1633) on God’s Offers of Peace and Christ’s Loving Invitation

3. In all thy care to believe and be saved, mark well what abundance of encouragements thou hast to come unto Christ: that the Father gave him, and he gave himself for the life of the World; and what is freer than gift? That our preaching of the word is the ministry of reconciliation, and God by us offers you conditions of peace. That Christ himself gave a most loving invitation to laboring Sinners to come unto him, with promise of ease for their Souls: and we are sent in his name to invite you to him in like manner. That ye have not only a word of promise, which were enough, especially seeing the promises of God in Christ are free, universal, everlasting, but bound with an Oath, I will not the death of a Sinner; and, Christ by an Oath was made our Priest in things pertaining to God: so to give a doubting Soul the stronger consolation, when they fly to him for refuge.
Thomas Taylor, “Commentarius in Commentariensem: Or, the Jaylors Conversion,” in The Works of that Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ (London: Printed by T. R., & E. M. for John Bartlet theelder and John Bartlet the younger, and are to be sold at the Golden Cup near Austins gate in the new Buildings, 1653), 187–188. This work contains a forward by Edmund Calamy, as well as endorsements by William Gouge, Arthur Jackson, Simeon Ash, Joseph Caryl, Thomas Manton, William Greenhill, William Strong, George Griffith, Thomas Brooks, Ralph Venning, and William Jemmat.


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