See the canonical listing at the bottom that shows redundancies in the various volumes edited by Kistler and Nichols that often inaccurately claim to have “previously unpublished sermons.”
I. Grosart, Alexander B., ed. Selections from the Unpublished Writings of Jonathan Edwards of America. [Edinburgh, Ballantyne] 1865; Repr. Ligonier, PA: Soli Deo Gloria, 1992.
I. Grosart, Alexander B., ed. Selections from the Unpublished Writings of Jonathan Edwards of America. [Edinburgh, Ballantyne] 1865; Repr. Ligonier, PA: Soli Deo Gloria, 1992.
- 1. Facsimiles, (preface to title-page).
- 2. Dedication.
- 3. Introduction.
- 4. Treatise on Grace. Chap. I. [Shewing] that Common Grace and Saving Grace differ, not only in Degree, but in Nature and Kind; Chap. II. Shewing wherein all Saving Grace does summarily consist; Chap. III. Shewing how a Principle of Grace is from the Spirit of God.
- 5. Annotations on Passages of the Bible.
- 6. Directions for Judging of Persons’ Experiences.
- 7. Sermons. [on the following texts]
- I. Matthew vii. 14—“Few there be that find it.” (Similar Sermon at Yale; 124. Matt. 7:14a)
- II. 2 Timothy iii. 16—“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.”
- III. and IV. Romans v. 1—“We have peace with God.”
- V. and VI. Acts xxiv. 25—“Felix trembling.” (Yale)
- VII. and VIII. 1 Peter iii. 19, 20—“The spirits in prison.” (Yale)
II. Edwards, Jonathan. Altogether Lovely: The Glory and Excellency of Jesus Christ. Ed. Don Kistler. Grand Rapids, MI: Soli Deo Gloria, 1997. Amazon review.
VII. Kistler, Don, ed. The Puritan Pulpit: The American Puritans—Jonathan Edwards. Morgan, PA: Soli Deo Gloria, 2004. Amazon review.
XIII. Minkema, Kenneth P. and Adriaan C. Neele, ed. Sermons by Jonathan Edwards on the Matthean Parables. Volume I: True and False Christians (On the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins). Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012.
XV. Minkema, Kenneth P., and Adriaan C. Neele, ed. Sermons by Jonathan Edwards on the Matthean Parables, Volume III. Fish Out of Their Element (On the Parable of the Net). Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012.
XIX. Minkema, Kenneth P., Adriaan C. Neele, and Allen M. Standon, ed. Sermons by Jonathan Edwards on the Epistle to the Galatians. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2019.
Sermons in Canonical Order (red text indicates some duplication, though not necessarily the exact same rendering, in the publishers; WJE is Works of Jonathan Edwards in the printed Yale edition; Banner is the 2-volume Banner of Truth edition of The Works of Jonathan Edwards edited by Edward Hickman in 1974/1992):
- Foreword by R. C. Sproul
- God the Best Portion of the Christian (Preached in April, 1736)—Psalm 73:25.
- The Excellency of Christ (Preached in August, 1736)—Rev 5:5–6.
- Christ Exalted (Preached in August, 1738)—1 Cor 15:25–26.
- Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment in Christ (Preached in August, 1736)—Isa 32:2.
- Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever (Preached in April, 1738)—Heb 13:8.
- The Pure in Heart Blessed (Preached in Stockbridge, MA in 1753)—Matt 5:8.
- Christ the Example of Ministers (An ordination sermon preached on June 28, 1749)—John 13:15–16.
- Unbelievers Condemn the Glory and Excellency of Christ (Preached in May, 1736)—Acts 4:11.
- Praise One of the Chief Employments of Heaven (Preached on November 7, 1734)—Rev 14:2.
- 1. The Vain Self-Flatteries of the Sinner—Psa 36:2.
- 2. Natural Men Are God’s Enemies—Rom 5:10.
- 3. A Natural Condition Is a Dreadful Condition—Acts 16:29, 30.
- 4. The Future Punishment of the Wicked Unavoidable and Intolerable—Ezek 32:14.
- 5. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God—Deut 32:35.
- 6. The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners—Rom 3:19.
- 7. The Manner in Which the Salvation of the Soul Is to Be Sought—Gen 6:22.
- 8. A Possibility of Being Saved Is Better Than a Certainty of Perishing—2 Kings 7:3–4.
- 9. It Is God’s Manner to Make Men Sensible of Their Misery and Unworthiness—Hos 5:15.
- 10. Persons Ought to Endeavor to Be Convinced of Sin—Jer 2:23.
- 11. Pressing into the Kingdom of God—Luke 16:16.
- 12. Hypocrites Deficient in the Duty of Prayer—Job 27:10.
- 13. True Grace Distinguished from the Experience of Devils—James 2:19.
- 14. Directions for Judging Experiences.
- 15. God Is Very Angry at the Sins of Children (To the children at a private meeting, February 1740–41)—2 Kings 2:23–24.
- 16. Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment in Christ—Isa 32:2.
- 17. A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God.
IV. Edwards, Jonathan. Standing in Grace. Ed. Don Kistler. Grand Rapids, MI: Soli Deo Gloria, 2002. This is taken from Edwards’s “Treatise on Grace,” in Selections from the Unpublished Writings of Jonathan Edwards, of America, ed. Alexander B. Grosart ([Edinburgh, Ballantyne], 1865), 19–56. Also later published in Jonathan Edwards, “Treatise of Grace,” in Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith, ed. Sang Hyun Lee and Harry S. Stout, vol. 21, The Works of Jonathan Edwards (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2003), 149–97.
IV. Edwards, Jonathan. Standing in Grace. Ed. Don Kistler. Grand Rapids, MI: Soli Deo Gloria, 2002. This is taken from Edwards’s “Treatise on Grace,” in Selections from the Unpublished Writings of Jonathan Edwards, of America, ed. Alexander B. Grosart ([Edinburgh, Ballantyne], 1865), 19–56. Also later published in Jonathan Edwards, “Treatise of Grace,” in Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith, ed. Sang Hyun Lee and Harry S. Stout, vol. 21, The Works of Jonathan Edwards (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2003), 149–97.
- 1. Common and Saving Grace Differ, Not Only in Degree, but in Nature and Kind (at Yale)
- 2. Wherein All Saving Grace Does Summarily Consist (at Yale)
- 3. How a Principle of Grace Is from the Spirit of God (at Yale)
Introduction to Jonathan Edwards the Preacher
- 1. The Way to Obtain the Blessing of God Is Not to Let Him Go Except He Bless Us—Gen 32:26–29.
- 2. That Such Persons Are Very Imprudent and Foolish Who Don’t Consider Their Latter End—Deut 32:29.
- 3. It Is a Matter of Great Comfort and Rejoicing to Anyone in Whatever Circumstances He Is In, When He Can Say That He Knows His Redeemer—Job 19:25.
- 4. That It Is the Tempter of the Truly Godly to Delight to Exalt God and to Lay Themselves Low—Psa 115:1.
- 5. That We Ought to Make Religion Our Present and Immediate Business—Psa 119:60.
- 6. That God Is Everywhere Present—Psa 139:7–10.
- 7. God Stands Ready to Forgive Every Sinner upon His Heartily Confessing and Forsaking His Sin—Prov 28:13.
- 8. The Day of a Godly Man’s Death Is Better Than the Day of His Birth—Eccl 7:1.
- 9. Thy Name Is as Ointment Poured Forth—Song of Solomon 2:3.
- 10. That at a Time When a People Are Called for a General Humiliation, It Becomes Each One to Mourn for His Own Iniquity (Sermon 1)—Ezek 7:16.
- 11. That at a Time When a People Are Called for a General Humiliation, It Becomes Each One to Mourn for His Own Iniquity (Sermon 2)—Ezek 7:16.
- 12. Those Sinners Who Are Saved, It is God Who Saves Them—Hos 13:9.
- 13. All Mankind of All Nations, White and Black, Young and Old, Is Going in One or the Other of These Paths, Either in the Way That Leads to Life or the Way that Leads to Destruction—Matt 7:13–14.
- 14. So None Ought to Come into the Christian Church but Good Men—Matt 13:47–50.
- 15. What is Meant by Believing in Christ?—Mark 16:15–16.
- 16. When the Spirit of God Has Been Remarkably Poured Out on a People, a Thorough Reformation of Those Things That Before Were Amiss Amongst Them Ought to Be the Effect of It—Acts 19:19.
- 17. There Never Was Any Love That Could Be Paralleled with the Dying Love of Christ—Rom 5:7–8.
- 18. In True Conversion Men’s Bodies Are in Some Respect Changed as Well as Their Souls—1 Thess 5:23.
- 19. Jesus Christ Is the Great Mediator and Head of Union in Whom All Elect Creatures in Heaven and Earth Are United to God and to One Another—1 Tim 2:5.
- 20. ’Tis Impossible That God Should Be Under Any Temptation to Do Anything That Is Evil—James 1:13.
- 21. That God Is the Father of Lights—Jam 1:17.
- 22. Nothing Else Is Required of Us in Order to Our Having an Interest in Christ, but That We Should Find It in Our Hearts to Be Willing That Christ Should Be Ours and We His—Rev 3:20.
- The Heart of Man is Exceeding Deceitful—Jer 17:9.
- Man Is Naturally a Proud Creature—Job 11:12.
- The Nature of Man is so Corrupted that He Is Become a Very Evil and Hateful Creature—Matt 10:17.
- Those Whom God Hates, He Oftentimes Gives Plenty of Earthly Things To—Gen 27:39.
- The Gadarenes Loved Their Swine Better Than Jesus Christ—Mark 5:16–17.
- If the Business of Ministers Was to Gratify Men’s Lusts They Would Be Much Better Received—Micah 2:11.
- A Pretence of Trusting in Christ is a Vain Pretence as Long as Men Live Wicked Lives—Micah 3:11.
- Men Are Exceeding Prone to Bring Their Principles to Agree With Their Lusts (1738)—2 Tim 4:3.
- Persons Ought Not to Rest Ignorant and Unresolved About Their Own State Whether They Be Real Christians or No—2 Cor 13:5.
- Sinners Under Means of Grace Are Ordinarily More Hardened Than the Heathen—Matt 11:21.
- A Man May Eternally Undo Himself in One Thought of His Heart—Acts 8:20–22.
- That Particular Repentance is Necessary to Salvation—Acts 8:22.
- Persons Ought to Do What They Can for Their Salvation—Eccl 9:10.
Concluding Summary
The Testimony of Yeonsoo Kim
VII. Kistler, Don, ed. The Puritan Pulpit: The American Puritans—Jonathan Edwards. Morgan, PA: Soli Deo Gloria, 2004. Amazon review.
- Sermon 1. God Never Changes His Mind—Num 23:19.
- Sermon 2. It Is Well for Us That God Is Not As We Are (May, 1754)—Hos 11:9.
- Sermon 3. God Doesn’t Thank Men for Doing Those Things He Commands Them—Luke 17:9.
- Sermon 4. Men’s Addiction to Sin Is No Excuse, but an Aggravation—2 Pet 2:14.
- Sermon 5. God Is Kind to the Unthankful and the Evil—Luke 6:35.
- Sermon 6. A Man May Eternally Undo Himself in One Thought of His Heart—Acts 8:20–22.
- Sermon 7. There is a Mutual Abhorrence Between God and Wicked Men—Zech 11:8.
- Sermon 8. There is Nothing Like Seeing What God Is to Make Men Sensible What They Are (July, 1734)—Isa 6:5.
- Sermon 9. God Does What He Pleases—Dan 4:35.
- Sermon 10. ’Tis the Spirit of a Truly Godly Man to Prefer God before All Other Things Either in Heaven or on Earth (April, 1736)—Psa 73:25.
- Sermon 11. Christ Is the Christian’s All—Col 3:11.
- Sermon 12. God Is Everywhere Present—Psa 139:7–10.
- Sermon 13. Spiritual Appetites Need No Bounds—Song of Solomon 5:1.
- Sermon 14. There Is Much of the Goodness and Mercy of God Appearing in the Commands He Has Given Us—Deut 10:13.
- Sermon 15. Contending with God—Psa 18:26.
- Sermon 16. God Is a Being of Transcendent Mercy—Psa 108:4.
Introduction to the Preaching of Jonathan Edwards
- 1. That Wicked Men’s Sins Lie at Their Door—Gen 4:7.
- 2. The Glory and Honor of God Requires That His Displeasure Be Manifested Against Sin—Num 14:21.
- 3. ’Tis a Blessed Thing to Some Persons That God Is to Be Their Judge—Psa 7:8.
- 4. That Wicked Men Be Not Apt to Be Sensible but That It Will Always Be with Them as It Is Now—Psa 10:6.
- 5. God’s Manner Is First to Prepare Men’s Hearts and Then to Answer Their Prayers—Psa 10:17.
- 6. That This Present World Shall One Day Come to an End—Psa 102:25–26.
- 7. It’s a Very Decent and Comely Thing That Praise Should Be Given to God—Psa 147:1.
- 8. Faith Renders Those Things That Are Most Terrible in Their Own Nature Harmless to Believers—Dan 6:23.
- 9. It Is What May Well Make Us Willing and Desirous to Go with God’s People, That God Is with Them—Zech 8:23.
- 10. When a Company or Society of Christians Have Christ Present with Them, ’Tis the Greatest Cause of Joy to Them—Matt 9:15.
- 11. That the Son of God by Appearing in Our Nature Laid a Glorious Foundation for Peace to the Inhabitants of This World—Luke 2:14.
- 12. That Hearing and Keeping the Word of God Renders a Person More Blessed Than Any Other Privilege That Ever God Bestowed Than Any of the Children of Men—Luke 11:27–28.
- 13. Even As I Have Kept My Father’s Commandments—John 15:10.
- 14. Jesus Christ Is the Shining Forth of the Father’s Glory—Heb 1:3.
- 15. Those Who Love Christ Shall Receive of Him a Crown of Life—James 1:12.
- 16. It Would Have Been Better for Some Persons If Christ Never Had Come into the World to Save Sinners—1 Pet 2:8.
- 17. That a Christian Spirit Is of Great Price in the Sight of God—1 Pet 3:4.
- 18. The Spirit of the True Saints Is a Spirit of Divine Love—1 John 4:16.
- 19. Christ Was Worthy of His Exaltation upon the Account of His Being Slain—Rev 5:12.
- 20. In Hell Is Inflicted the Fierceness of the Wrath of a Being That Is Almighty—Rev 19:15.
- 1. Early Piety Is Especially Acceptable to God (Preached at a private meeting in November 1734)—2 Chronicles 34:2–3.
- 2. The Sudden Death of Children (Preached in February 1749/50)—2 Kings 4:18–20.
- 3. The Time of Youth Is the Best Time to Be Improved for Religious Purposes—Ecclesiastes 12:1.
- 4. The Sins of Youth Go With Them to Eternity (To the young people at a private meeting, March 1733)—Job 20:11.
- 5. The Most Direct Way to Happiness (Preached in May 1734)—Proverbs 24:13–14.
- 6. God Is Very Angry at the Sins of Children (To the children at a private meeting February 1740/41)—2 Kings 2:23–24.
- 7. Children Ought to Love the Lord Jesus Christ above All Things in this World (To the children, August 1740)—Matthew 10:37.
- 8. Corrupt Communication (For a meeting of the young people, July 1740)—Ephesians 4:29.
- 9. A Flower Cut Down (To a private meeting of young people after Billy Sheldon’s death February 1740/41. Afterwards preached the doctrinal part with the new application at the end on the occasion of the death of my daughter Jerusha, February 21, 1747/8)—Job 14:2.
- 10. Don’t Lead Others into Sin—1 Corinthians 8:13.
- 11. A Lovely and Pleasant Sight (Given at the quarterly lecture, November 1744)—Psalm 144:12.
- 12. The Awful Death of Unclean Youth (Given at the quarterly lecture, November 1748)—Job 36:14.
- 13. The Danger of Sinful Mirth (Given at a lecture-day evening meeting in November 1734)—Ecclesiastes 7:6.
- 14. A Letter to a Young Convert (Sometime in 1741, a young lady residing in Smithfield, Connecticut, who had lately made a profession of religion, requested Mr. Edwards to give her some advice as to the best manner of maintaining a religious life. In reply, he addressed to her the following letter, which will be found eminently useful to all persons just entering on the Christian course.)
- 15. Bible Questions for the Children of Northampton.
- Sermon 1. ’Tis Unreasonable to Think that God Will Take No Care to Punish the Wickedness That There Is in the World—Jer 5:9.
- Sermon 2. Vengeance for Sin Properly Belongs to God—Deut 32:35.
- Sermon 3. It Is One Design That God Has Upon His Heart to Show How Terrible His Wrath Is—Rom 9:22.
- Sermon 4. God Has Sworn That He Will Be Revenged on Wicked Men (1738)—Deut 32:40–42.
- Sermon 5. Wicked Men Answer the End of Their Beings in No Other Other Way But in Their Suffering—Prov 16:4.
- Sermon 6. All Wicked Men Shall Go to Hell—Matt 5:29.
- Sermon 7. The Punishment and Misery of Wicked Men in Another World Will Be in Proportion to the Sin that They are Guilty of—Matt 5:22.
- Sermon 8. The Wicked Hereafter Will Be Cast into a Furnace of Fire—Matt 13:41–42.
- Sermon 9. The Bodies of Wicked Men, as Well as Their Souls, Will be Punished Forever in Hell—Matt 10:28.
- Sermon 10. The Torments of Hell are Exceedingly Great—Luke 16:24.
- Sermon 11. The Torments of Hell Will Be Eternal—Mark 9:44.
- Sermon 12. Wicked Men in Hell Will Remember How Things Were with Them Here in this World—Luke 16:25.
- Sermon 13. Wicked Men Will Hereafter Have This to Aggravate Their Woe, that They Shall See Many of All Kinds and Nations Admitted into Glory, While They Themselves are Thrust Out—Luke 13:28–29.
- Sermon 14. The Wicked in Hell Will be Sensible What a Happy State the Saints are in Heaven—Luke 16:25.
- Sermon 15. When God’s Time Comes to Take Vengeance on His Enemies, He Will Not Meet Them as a Man—Isa 47:3.
- Chapter 1. God Is a Just and Righteous God—Psa 119:137; Deut 32:4.
- Chapter 2. It Is Crime Enough to Render Any Man a Cursed Person, Not to Love Jesus Christ—1 Cor 16:22.
- Chapter 3. God Carries His People Along Through the World Far Above the Reach of All Their Enemies, or Anything that Might Hinder Their Blessedness—Exod 19:4.
- Chapter 4. The Grace of God in the New Covenant Eminently Appears in That We Are Justified Only by Faith—Rom 4:16.
- Chapter 5. Wicked Men’s Sins Lie at Their Door—Gen 4:7.
- Chapter 6. The Covenant of Grace Firm and Sure—2 Sam 23:5.
- Chapter 7. Some Men Shall Never be Saved—Num 14:22–23.
- Chapter 8. A Heart to Do the Will of God—Deut 5:27–29.
- Chapter 9. God Will Deal with Men According to Their Own Temper and Practice—2 Sam 22:26–27.
- Chapter 10. The Ladder that God Has Set on the Earth for Man to Ascend to Happiness Reaches Even Unto Heaven—Gen 28:12.
- Chapter 11. God, as the Giver and Judge of the Law, Deals with the Utmost Strictness—Josh 24:19.
- Chapter 12. God’s Wisdom in His Stated Method of Bestowing Grace—Exod 20:24.
- Chapter 13. The Way to Obtain the Blessing of God Is to Resolve Not to Let God God Unless He Blesses Us—Gen 32:26–29.
- Chapter 14. Christian Charity—Deut 15:7–11.
- Chapter 15. The Sin of Theft and Injustice—Exod 20:15.
- Chapter 16. Unresolvedness in Religion Is Very Unreasonable—1 Kings 18:21.
- Chapter 17. Temptation and Deliverance—Gen 39:12.
- Chapter 18. Ministries and Their People Most Meet One Another Before Christ’s Tribunal on the Day of Judgment—2 Cor 1:14.
- That Wicked Men Are Children of the Devil—John 8:44.
- The Wicked Hereafter Will Be Cast into a Furnace of Fire (1733)—Matt 13:41–42.
- That the Bodies of Wicked Men as Well as Their Souls Will Be Punished in Hell Forever—Matt 10:28.
- That the Punishment and Misery of Wicked Men in Another World Will Be in Proportion to the Sin that They Are Guilty of—Matt 5:22.
- That the Torments of Hell Will Be Eternal—Mark 9:44.
- The Eternity of Hell Torments (1739)—Matt 25:46.
- That the Torments of Hell Are Exceedingly Great—Luke 16:24.
- Wicked Men in Hell Will Remember How Things Were With Them in this World—Luke 16:25.
- They That Are Gone to Hell Are All of Them in Despair (1733/34)—Isa 38:18.
- In Hell Is Inflicted the Wrath of a Being That Is Almighty (1734)—Rev 19:15.
- The Wicked in Hell Will Be Sensible What a Happy State the Saints Are in in Heaven—Luke 16:25.
- The End of the Wicked Contemplated by the Righteous (1733)—Rev 18:20.
- The Reason Why Men No More Regard Warnings of Future Punishment Is Because It Don’t Seem Real to Them—Gen 19:14.
XIII. Minkema, Kenneth P. and Adriaan C. Neele, ed. Sermons by Jonathan Edwards on the Matthean Parables. Volume I: True and False Christians (On the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins). Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012.
Introduction: Edwards the Preacher (Wilson H. Kimnach)
Introduction: Historical Context (Bryan McCarthy)
True and False Christians: (On the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins) (1737)—Matthew 25:1: Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
- Doctrine. The church is espoused to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Introduction: Edwards the Preacher (Wilson H. Kimnach)
Introduction: The Historical Context (Kenneth P. Minkema and Adriaan C. Neele)
Divine Husbandman (On the Parable of the Sower and the Seed): Matthew 13:3–4: Behold, a sower went forth to sow; and when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up. JE’s notations at the head of the sermon indicate that he originally preached this in Nov. 1740, and repreached it in Stockbridge in April 1756.
- Observation. Those that God sends forth to preach the gospel, may fitly be compared to husbandmen going forth to sow their seed.
- Improvement.
- [Doctrine Resumed].
- Application.
- [Doctrine Resumed]. Matthew 13:5–6: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: and when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.
- [Application].
- [Doctrine Resumed].
- Proposition. Sudden conversions are very often false.
- Application.
- [Doctrine Resumed]. Observation. That religion that arises only from superficial impressions, is wont to wither away from want of root when it comes to be tried by the difficulties of religion.
- Application.
- [Doctrine Resumed]. Matthew 13:7: And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them.
Appendix: George Whitefield, Directions How to Hear Sermons (1739)—Luke 8:18: Take Heed therefore how ye hear.
XV. Minkema, Kenneth P., and Adriaan C. Neele, ed. Sermons by Jonathan Edwards on the Matthean Parables, Volume III. Fish Out of Their Element (On the Parable of the Net). Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012.
Introduction: Edwards the Preacher (Wilson H. Kimnach)
Introduction: The Historical Context (Kenneth P. Minkema and Adriaan C. Neele)
Fish Out of Their Element (The Parable of the Net)—Matthew 13:47–50.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good unto the vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
- OBSERVATION I: The conversion of sinners may fitly be compared to the taking fish in a net.
- OBSERVATION II: The mercy and grace of God revealed in the gospel extends to all sorts of persons.
- OBSERVATION III: There are many persons that seem to be converted, that are not so really.
- OBSERVATION IV: Wicked men cannot always enjoy their element but must, first and last, be forever separated from it.
- OBSERVATION V: {The wicked shall} not always remain mingled among the righteous. Missing in manuscript.
- OBSERVATION VI: This world must come to an end.
- OBSERVATION VII: When the full number of the elect shall be gathered in, the end of the world will soon come.
- OBSERVATION VIII: God will hereafter deal with the righteous, as men are wont to treat that which they prize as the portion they live upon.
- OBSERVATION IX: God will hereafter cast away unsound professors.
- OBSERVATION X: God makes use of the ministry of angels in affairs relating to the eternal state of mankind.
- OBSERVATION XI: Wicked men will hereafter be cast into a furnace of fire.
- OBSERVATION XII: In the misery of the damned, there will be a mixture of sorrow and rage.
XVI. Kistler, Don, ed. Grace and Truth: Rare Sermons by Jonathan Edwards. Orlando, FL: The Northampton Press, 2014. Kindle edition. Amazon review.
- Sermon 1. Jesus Christ is Full of Grace and Truth.—John 1:16? [John 1:14].
- Sermon 2. If Persons Have Ever Tasted the Sweetness of the Word and the Grace of Christ, They Will Be Longing for More of It.—1 Peter 2:2–3.
- Sermon 3. There is an Answerableness Between the Greatness of the Misery of Hell and the Happiness of Heaven.—John 3:16.
- Sermon 4. ’Tis in Vain for Any to Expect to Have Their Prayers Heard as Long as They Continue in the Allowance of Sin.—Psalm 66:18a.
- Sermon 5. ’Tis Unreasonable to Think that God Will Take No Care to Punish the Wickedness that There Is in the World.—Jeremiah 5:9.
- Sermon 6. There is a Great Difference Between Converted and Unconverted Men.—Matthew 15:26.
- Sermon 7. Not Everyone Who Says Unto Christ, “Lord, Lord,” Shall Enter Into the Kingdom of Heaven.—Matthew 7:21.
- Sermon 8. The Wrath of God Attends All the Concerns of Some Men.—Job 18:15.
- Sermon 9. God Has Sworn That He Will Be Revenged on Wicked Men.—Deut. 32:40–42.
- Sermon 10. ’Tis Not Inconsistent With the Attributes of God to Punish Ungodly Men With a Misery That Is Eternal.—Rev. 19:2–3.
- Sermon 11. Unawakened Sinners Heap Up to Themselves Wrath Against the Day of Wrath as Men are Wont to Heap Up Treasures.—Rom. 2:5(a).
- Sermon 12. The Bodies of Wicked Men as Well as Their Souls Will Be Punished Forever in Hell.—Matt. 10:28. [Not at Yale; According to Yale, there’s a copy at Andover Newton Theological School]
- Sermon 13. Wicked Men Will Hereafter Wish to Be Turned to Nothing and Forever Cease to Be that They May Escape the Wrath of God.—Rev. 6:15–16.
- Sermon 14. Christian Charity.—Deut 15:7–11.
- Sermon 15. The Perpetuity and Change of the Sabbath.—1 Cor 16:1–2.
XVII. Kistler, Don, ed. Grace and Truth: Containing 13 Previously Unpublished Sermons by Jonathan Edwards. Orlando, FL: The Northampton Press, 2017. Print edition. See 2014 Kindle edition above. Amazon review.
XVIII. Nichols, William C., ed. The True Gospel: Jonathan Edwards on Eternal Salvation. Ames, IA: International Outreach, 2018. Amazon review.
- That Wicked Men, Though for a While They may Seem to Forsake their Sins, Yet if their Natures are Not Changed, They will be Very Liable to Return to Them Again—Prov 26:11.
- God Will Not be Slack in Punishing Wicked Men—Deut 7:10.
- God Is a Consuming Fire—Heb 12:29.
- Jesus Christ is Both the Only Priest and Sacrifice by which Eternal Redemption is Obtained for Believers—Heb 9:12.
- That the Entrance into Eternal Life is a Strait and Narrow Passage—Matt 7:14.
- That If we Would be Christ’s Disciples it is Necessary that we should Deny Ourselves—Luke 9:23.
- Not Every One that Saith unto me Lord, Lord, Shall Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that Doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven—Matt 7:21.
- Sudden Conversions Are Very Often False—Matt 13:5.
- God Sometimes Punishes Sin by Giving Men Up to Sin—Rom 1:24.
- Men Provoke God by Their Sins till God Takes up a Resolution that they Never Shall Be Saved—Num 14:22, 23.
- Those that God on in the Sin of Drunkenness Are in the Way to Bring God’s Fearful Wrath and a Most Amazing Destruction Upon Themselves—Deut 29:18–21.
- Though a People that Live under Means are Wont in General to Seek and Hope for Salvation yet ’tis the Election Only that Obtain and the Rest are Blinded—Rom 11:7.
- ’Tis Greatly to be Desired That We Should Have a Thorough and Not a Slight and Deceitful Cure of Our Spiritual Wound—Jer 8:11.
- Persons in Seeking Heaven Should Behave in Like Manner as Resolute Soldiers do in Taking a Country or Kingdom in Which They are Strongly Opposed—Matt 11:12.
- That God Unalterably Determines the Limits of Every Man’s Life—Job 14:5.
Introduction: Edwards the Preacher (William H. Kimnach)
Introduction: Historical Context (Kenneth P. Minkema and Adriaan C. Neele)
- Only that Sort of Faith that Works by Love Avails Anything before God (1728)—Gal 5:6.
- Christ’s Particular Respect to Every Believer in His Work of Redemption (1728–29)—Gal 2:20.
- The Gospel No Encouragement to Sin (1731–32)—Gal 2:17.
- Flesh and Spirit (1745)—Gal 5:17.
- Christ and Believers One Mystical Person (1746)—Gal 3:16.
- The Holy Spirit the Sum of the Blessings Purchased for Us by Christ (1746)—Gal 3:13.
- Saving Faith Worketh by Love (1751)—Gal 5:6.
XX. Kistler, Don, ed. Wrath Against the Day of Wrath: 15 Previously Unpublished Sermons on God’s Judgment Against Sin by Jonathan Edwards (1701–1758). Orlando, FL: The Northampton Press, 2022. Kindle 2016.
- 1. Unawakened Sinners Heap Up to Themselves Wrath Against the Day of Wrath as Men Are Wont to Heap Up Treasures. A sermon on Romans 2:5.
- 2. ’Tis No Matter What We Go Through in Order to Salvation So That We Do But Obtain It at Last. A Sermon on Philippians 3:11.
- 3. All the Pleasure or Comfort that Wicked Men Will Ever Have They Have in This Life. A sermon on Luke 6:24.
- 4. Not Everyone Who Says Unto Christ, “Lord, Lord,” Shall Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. A sermon on Matthew 7:21.
- 5. Wicked Men Cannot Bear the Misery of Damnation. A sermon on Isaiah 33:14.
- 6. Wicked Men, Though They May Seem Outwardly to Forsake Their Wickedness, Yet if Their Natures Aren’t Changed, Will Be Very Liable to Return to Their Old Wickedness Again. A sermon on Proverbs 26:11.
- 7. Those Who Are God’s Own People Have Much More Reason to Fear God’s Chastisements for Their Sins than Others. A sermon on Psalm 94:10.
- 8. There Is Nothing Gotten by Ways of Sin. A sermon on Proverbs 24:20.
- 9. He that Doesn’t Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Wrath of God Abides on Him. A sermon on John 3:36.
- 10. Unless Persons Believe in Jesus Christ They Shall Never See Eternal Life. A sermon on John 3:36.
- 11. ’Tis in Itself More Rational to Suppose that Wicked Men Should Be Most Extremely and Eternally Miserable in Another World. A sermon on Matthew 23:33.
- 12. Sudden Conversions are very Often False. A sermon on Matthew 13:5–6.
- 13. Wicked Men are the Devil’s Captives. A sermon on 2 Timothy 2:26.
- 14. When God Comes to Execute Deserved Punishment on Ungodly Men He Will Not Pity Them. A sermon on Ezekiel 8:18.
- 15. The Worst Punishments Men Can Inflict Are as Nothing in Comparison of Damnation. A sermon on Luke 12:5.
- 16. Those That Are Going On in Sin Would Do Well to Consider the End Thereof. A sermon on Jeremiah 5:31.
XXI. Kistler, Don, ed. Sermons on the Lord’s Supper by Jonathan Edwards. 2nd ed. Orlando, FL: Northampton Press, 2007/2024. Amazon review.
- Sermon 1. The Thing Designed in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Is the Communion of Christians in the Body and Blood of Christ—1 Cor 10:16.
- Sermon 2. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Is A Very Sacred Ordinance (1732)—1 Cor 11:29.
- Sermon 3. The Lord’s Supper Ought to Be Kept Up and Attended in Remembrance of Christ (1734)—Luke 22:19.
- Sermon 4. The Lord’s Supper Was Instituted as a Solemn Representation and Seal of the Holy and Spiritual Union of Christ’s People Have with Christ and One Another (1750/51)—1 Cor 10:17.
- Sermon 5. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Is the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ (1745)—1 Cor 10:16.
- Sermon 6. Persons Ought to Examine Themselves of Their Fitness Before They Presume to Partake of the Lord’s Supper (1756)—1 Cor 11:28–29.
- Sermon 7. The Spiritual Blessings of the Gospel Are Fitly Represented by a Feast—Luke 14:16.
- Sermon 8. Christians Have Communion with Christ—1 Cor 1:9.
- Sermon 9. All Divine Blessings Are as Much in and through Christ as If They Were a Feast Provided by His Flesh That Was Given for Us (1749)—John 6:51.
- Sermon 10. The Gospel Dispensation Is Finished Wholly and Entirely in Free and Glorious Grace—Zech 4:7.
- Sermon 11. The New Birth (1753)—John 3:3.
- Sermon 12. When God Sends His Messengers to Preach His Word, His Word Shall Not Be in Vain—Ezek 3:27.
- Sermon 13. Those Only Who Are Holy Are on the Way to Heaven—Isa 35:8.
- Sermon 14. Christ Is a Person of Transcendent Worthiness in the Sight of God (1736)—Heb 1:5.
- Sermon 15. God Is a Being Possessed of the Most Absolutely Perfect Happiness (1738)—1 Tim 6:15.
- That Wicked Men’s Sins Lie at Their Door.—Gen 4:7. McMullen, 2004; SDG, 2006.
- The Manner in Which the Salvation of the Soul Is to Be Sought.—Gen 6:22. Nichols, 2001.
- The Reason Why Men No More Regard Warnings of Future Punishment Is Because It Don’t Seem Real to Them.—Gen 19:14. Nichols, 2006.
- Those Whom God Hates, He Oftentimes Gives Plenty of Earthly Things To.—Gen 27:39. Nichols, 2003.
- The Ladder that God Has Set on the Earth for Man to Ascend to Happiness Reaches Even Unto Heaven.—Gen 28:12. SDG, 2006.
- The Way to Obtain the Blessing of God Is Not to Let Him Go Except He Bless Us.—Gen 32:26–29. McMullen, 2003; SDG, 2006.
- Temptation and Deliverance.—Gen 39:12. SDG, 2006.
- God Carries His People Along Through the World Far Above the Reach of All Their Enemies, or Anything that Might Hinder Their Blessedness.—Exod 19:4. SDG, 2006.
- The Sin of Theft and Injustice.—Exod 20:15. SDG, 2006.
- God’s Wisdom in His Stated Method of Bestowing Grace.—Exod 20:24. SDG, 2006.
- The Glory and Honor of God Requires That His Displeasure Be Manifested Against Sin.—Num 14:21. McMullen, 2004.
- Men Provoke God by Their Sins till God Takes up a Resolution that they Never Shall Be Saved.—Num 14:22, 23. SDG, 2006; Nichols, 2018.
- God Never Changes His Mind.—Num 23:19. SDG, 2004.
- A Heart to Do the Will of God.—Deut 5:27–29. SDG, 2006.
- God Will Not be Slack in Punishing Wicked Men.—Deut 7:10. Nichols, 2018.
- There Is Much of the Goodness and Mercy of God Appearing in the Commands He Has Given Us.—Deut 10:13. SDG, 2004.
- Christian Charity.—Deut 15:7–11. SDG, 2006; Kistler, 2014/2017.
- Those that God on in the Sin of Drunkenness Are in the Way to Bring God’s Fearful Wrath and a Most Amazing Destruction Upon Themselves.—Deut 29:18–21. Nichols, 2018.
- God Is a Just and Righteous God.—Psa 119:137; Deut 32:4. SDG, 2006.
- That Such Persons Are Very Imprudent and Foolish Who Don’t Consider Their Latter End.—Deut 32:29. McMullen, 2003.
- Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.—Deut 32:35. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- Vengeance for Sin Properly Belongs to God.—Deut 32:35. SDG, Repent, 2005.
- God Has Sworn That He Will Be Revenged on Wicked Men (1738).—Deut 32:40–42. SDG, Repent, 2005; Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- God, as the Giver and Judge of the Law, Deals with the Utmost Strictness.—Josh 24:19. SDG, 2006.
- God Will Deal with Men According to Their Own Temper and Practice.—2 Sam 22:26–27. SDG, 2006.
- The Covenant of Grace Firm and Sure.—2 Sam 23:5. SDG, 2006.
- Unresolvedness in Religion Is Very Unreasonable.—1 Kings 18:21. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 2006.
- God Is Very Angry at the Sins of Children (To the children at a private meeting, February 1740–41).—2 Kings 2:23–24. Nichols, 2001; SDG, Rising, 2005.
- The Sudden Death of Children (Preached in February 1749/50).—2 Kings 4:18–20. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- A Possibility of Being Saved Is Better Than a Certainty of Perishing.—2 Kings 7:3–4. Nichols, 2001.
- Early Piety Is Especially Acceptable to God (Preached at a private meeting in November 1734).—2 Chronicles 34:2–3. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- Man Is Naturally a Proud Creature.—Job 11:12. Nichols, 2003.
- A Flower Cut Down (To a private meeting of young people after Billy Sheldon’s death February 1740/41. Afterwards preached the doctrinal part with the new application at the end on the occasion of the death of my daughter Jerusha, February 21, 1747/8).—Job 14:2. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- That God Unalterably Determines the Limits of Every Man’s Life.—Job 14:5. Nichols, 2018.
- The Wrath of God Attends All the Concerns of Some Men.—Job 18:15. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- It Is a Matter of Great Comfort and Rejoicing to Anyone in Whatever Circumstances He Is In, When He Can Say That He Knows His Redeemer.—Job 19:25. McMullen, 2003.
- The Sins of Youth Go With Them to Eternity (To the young people at a private meeting, March 1733).—Job 20:11. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- Hypocrites Deficient in the Duty of Prayer.—Job 27:10. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- The Awful Death of Unclean Youth (Given at the quarterly lecture, November 1748).—Job 36:14. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- ’Tis a Blessed Thing to Some Persons That God Is to Be Their Judge.—Psa 7:8. McMullen, 2004.
- That Wicked Men Be Not Apt to Be Sensible but That It Will Always Be with Them as It Is Now.—Psa 10:6. McMullen, 2004.
- God’s Manner Is First to Prepare Men’s Hearts and Then to Answer Their Prayers.—Psa 10:17. McMullen, 2004.
- Contending with God.—Psa 18:26. SDG, 2004.
- The Vain Self-Flatteries of the Sinner.—Psa 36:2. Nichols, 2001.
- ’Tis in Vain for Any to Expect to Have Their Prayers Heard as Long as They Continue in the Allowance of Sin.—Psalm 66:18a. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- ’Tis the Spirit of a Truly Godly Man to Prefer God before All Other Things Either in Heaven or on Earth (April, 1736) [“God the Best Portion of the Christian”].—Psa 73:25. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997; SDG, 2004.
- Those Who Are God’s Own People Have Much More Reason to Fear God’s Chastisements for Their Sins than Others.—Psalm 94:10. Kistler 2016/2022.
- That This Present World Shall One Day Come to an End.—Psa 102:25–26. McMullen, 2004.
- God Is a Being of Transcendent Mercy.—Psa 108:4. SDG, 2004.
- That It Is the Tempter of the Truly Godly to Delight to Exalt God and to Lay Themselves Low.—Psa 115:1. McMullen, 2003.
- God Is a Just and Righteous God.—Psa 119:137; Deut 32:4. SDG, 2006.
- That We Ought to Make Religion Our Present and Immediate Business.—Psa 119:60. McMullen, 2003.
- That God Is Everywhere Present.—Psa 139:7–10. McMullen, 2003; SDG, 2004.
- A Lovely and Pleasant Sight (Given at the quarterly lecture, November 1744).—Psalm 144:12. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- It’s a Very Decent and Comely Thing That Praise Should Be Given to God.—Psa 147:1. McMullen, 2004.
- Wicked Men Answer the End of Their Beings in No Other Other Way But in Their Suffering.—Prov 16:4. SDG, Repent, 2005.
- The Most Direct Way to Happiness (Preached in May 1734).—Proverbs 24:13–14. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- There Is Nothing Gotten by Ways of Sin.—Proverbs 24:20. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- That Wicked Men, Though for a While They may Seem to Forsake their Sins, Yet if their Natures are Not Changed, They will be Very Liable to Return to Them Again.—Prov 26:11. Nichols, 2018; Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- God Stands Ready to Forgive Every Sinner upon His Heartily Confessing and Forsaking His Sin.—Prov 28:13. McMullen, 2003.
- The Day of a Godly Man’s Death Is Better Than the Day of His Birth.—Eccl 7:1. McMullen, 2003.
- The Danger of Sinful Mirth (Given at a lecture-day evening meeting in November 1734).—Ecclesiastes 7:6. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- Persons Ought to Do What They Can for Their Salvation.—Eccl 9:10. Nichols, 2003.
- The Time of Youth Is the Best Time to Be Improved for Religious Purposes.—Ecclesiastes 12:1. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- Thy Name Is as Ointment Poured Forth.—Song of Solomon 2:3. McMullen, 2003.
- Spiritual Appetites Need No Bounds.—Song of Solomon 5:1. SDG, 2004.
- There is Nothing Like Seeing What God Is to Make Men Sensible What They Are (July, 1734).—Isa 6:5. SDG, 2004.
- Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment in Christ (Preached in August, 1736).—Isa 32:2. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997; Nichols, 2001.
- Wicked Men Cannot Bear the Misery of Damnation.—Isaiah 33:14. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- Those Only Who Are Holy Are on the Way to Heaven.—Isa 35:8. WJE 10, 1992; Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- They That Are Gone to Hell Are All of Them in Despair (1733/34).—Isa 38:18. Nichols, 2006.
- When God’s Time Comes to Take Vengeance on His Enemies, He Will Not Meet Them as a Man.—Isa 47:3. SDG, Repent, 2005.
- Persons Ought to Endeavor to Be Convinced of Sin.—Jer 2:23. Nichols, 2001.
- ’Tis Unreasonable to Think that God Will Take No Care to Punish the Wickedness That There Is in the World.—Jer 5:9. SDG, Repent, 2005; Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- Those That Are Going On in Sin Would Do Well to Consider the End Thereof.—Jer 5:31. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- ’Tis Greatly to be Desired That We Should Have a Thorough and Not a Slight and Deceitful Cure of Our Spiritual Wound.—Jer 8:11. Nichols, 2018.
- The Heart of Man is Exceeding Deceitful.—Jer 17:9. Nichols, 2003.
- When God Sends His Messengers to Preach His Word, His Word Shall Not Be in Vain.—Ezek 3:27. WJE 17, 1999; Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- That at a Time When a People Are Called for a General Humiliation, It Becomes Each One to Mourn for His Own Iniquity (Sermon 2).—Ezek 7:16. McMullen, 2003.
- When God Comes to Execute Deserved Punishment on Ungodly Men He Will Not Pity Them.—Ezekiel 8:18 [sic in Kindle]. Should be Ezekiel 8:8. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- The Future Punishment of the Wicked Unavoidable and Intolerable.—Ezek 32:14. Nichols, 2001.
- God Does What He Pleases.—Dan 4:35. SDG, 2004.
- Faith Renders Those Things That Are Most Terrible in Their Own Nature Harmless to Believers.—Dan 6:23. McMullen, 2004.
- It Is God’s Manner to Make Men Sensible of Their Misery and Unworthiness.—Hos 5:15. Banner, vol. 2 (1974//1992); Nichols, 2001.
- It Is Well for Us That God Is Not As We Are (May, 1754).—Hos 11:9. SDG, 2004.
- Those Sinners Who Are Saved, It is God Who Saves Them.—Hos 13:9. McMullen, 2003.
- If the Business of Ministers Was to Gratify Men’s Lusts They Would Be Much Better Received.—Micah 2:11. Nichols, 2003.
- A Pretence of Trusting in Christ is a Vain Pretence as Long as Men Live Wicked Lives.—Micah 3:11. Nichols, 2003.
- The Gospel Dispensation Is Finished Wholly and Entirely in Free and Glorious Grace.—Zech 4:7. WJE 10, 1992; Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- It Is What May Well Make Us Willing and Desirous to Go with God’s People, That God Is with Them.—Zech 8:23. McMullen, 2004.
- There is a Mutual Abhorrence Between God and Wicked Men.—Zech 11:8. SDG, 2004.
- The Pure in Heart Blessed (Preached in Stockbridge, MA in 1753).—Matt 5:8. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- The Punishment and Misery of Wicked Men in Another World Will Be in Proportion to the Sin that They are Guilty of.—Matt 5:22. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- All Wicked Men Shall Go to Hell.—Matt 5:29. SDG, Repent, 2005.
- All Mankind of All Nations, White and Black, Young and Old, Is Going in One or the Other of These Paths, Either in the Way That Leads to Life or the Way that Leads to Destruction.—Matt 7:13–14. McMullen, 2003.
- That the Entrance into Eternal Life is a Strait and Narrow Passage.—Matt 7:14a. Grosart, 1865/SDG, 1992; Nichols, 2018.
- Not Every One that Saith unto me Lord, Lord, Shall Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that Doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven.—Matt 7:21. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017; Nichols, 2018; Kistler, (NHP), 2016/2022.
- When a Company or Society of Christians Have Christ Present with Them, ’Tis the Greatest Cause of Joy to Them.—Matt 9:15. McMullen, 2004.
- The Nature of Man is so Corrupted that He Is Become a Very Evil and Hateful Creature.—Matt 10:17. Nichols, 2003.
- The Bodies of Wicked Men, as Well as Their Souls, Will be Punished Forever in Hell.—Matt 10:28. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006; Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- Children Ought to Love the Lord Jesus Christ above All Things in this World (To the children, August 1740).—Matthew 10:37. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- Persons in Seeking Heaven Should Behave in Like Manner as Resolute Soldiers do in Taking a Country or Kingdom in Which They are Strongly Opposed.—Matt 11:12. Nichols, 2018.
- Sinners Under Means of Grace Are Ordinarily More Hardened Than the Heathen.—Matt 11:21. Nichols, 2003.
- Divine Husbandman (On the Parable of the Sower and the Seed): Matthew 13:3–7. Minkema, MP, II, 2012.
- Sudden Conversions Are Very Often False.—Matt 13:5. Nichols, 2018. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- The Wicked Hereafter Will Be Cast into a Furnace of Fire (1733).—Matt 13:41–42. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- So None Ought to Come into the Christian Church but Good Men.—Matt 13:47–50. McMullen, 2003.
- Fish Out of Their Element (The Parable of the Net).—Matthew 13:47–50. Minkema, MP, III, 2012.
- There is a Great Difference Between Converted and Unconverted Men.—Matthew 15:26. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- ’Tis in Itself More Rational to Suppose that Wicked Men Should Be Most Extremely and Eternally Miserable in Another World.—Matthew 23:33. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- True and False Christians: (On the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins) (1737).—Matthew 25:1. Minkema, MP, I, 2012.
- The Eternity of Hell Torments (1739).—Matt 25:46. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2006.
- The Gadarenes Loved Their Swine Better Than Jesus Christ.—Mark 5:16–17. Nichols, 2003.
- The Torments of Hell Will Be Eternal.—Mark 9:44. SDG, Repent, 2005. Nichols, 2006.
- What is Meant by Believing in Christ?—Mark 16:15–16. McMullen, 2003.
- That the Son of God by Appearing in Our Nature Laid a Glorious Foundation for Peace to the Inhabitants of This World.—Luke 2:14. McMullen, 2004.
- All the Pleasure or Comfort that Wicked Men Will Ever Have They Have in This Life.—Luke 6:24. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- God Is Kind to the Unthankful and the Evil.—Luke 6:35. SDG, 2004.
- That If we Would be Christ’s Disciples it is Necessary that we should Deny Ourselves.—Luke 9:23. Nichols, 2018.
- That Hearing and Keeping the Word of God Renders a Person More Blessed Than Any Other Privilege That Ever God Bestowed Than Any of the Children of Men.—Luke 11:27–28. McMullen, 2004.
- The Worst Punishments Men Can Inflict Are as Nothing in Comparison of Damnation.—Luke 12:5. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- Wicked Men Will Hereafter Have This to Aggravate Their Woe, that They Shall See Many of All Kinds and Nations Admitted into Glory, While They Themselves are Thrust Out.—Luke 13:28–29. SDG, Repent, 2005.
- The Spiritual Blessings of the Gospel Are Fitly Represented by a Feast.—Luke 14:16. WJE 14, 1997; Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- Pressing into the Kingdom of God.—Luke 16:16. Banner, vol. 1 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- The Torments of Hell are Exceedingly Great.—Luke 16:24. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- Wicked Men in Hell Will Remember How Things Were with Them Here in this World.—Luke 16:25. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- The Wicked in Hell Will be Sensible What a Happy State the Saints are in in Heaven.—Luke 16:25. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- God Doesn’t Thank Men for Doing Those Things He Commands Them.—Luke 17:9. SDG, 2004.
- The Lord’s Supper Ought to Be Kept Up and Attended in Remembrance of Christ.—Luke 22:19. Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- Full of Grace and Truth.—John 1:16? [John 1:14]. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- The New Birth.—John 3:3. WJE 17, 1999; Kistler (NHP), 2024.
- There is an Answerableness Between the Greatness of the Misery of Hell and the Happiness of Heaven.—John 3:16. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- That Wicked Men Are Children of the Devil.—John 8:44. Nichols, 2006.
- Unless Persons Believe in Jesus Christ They Shall Never See Eternal Life.—John 3:36a. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- He that Doesn’t Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Wrath of God Abides on Him.—John 3:36b. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- All Divine Blessings Are as Much in and through Christ as If They Were a Feast Provided by His Flesh That Was Given for Us.—John 6:51. Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- Christ the Example of Ministers (An ordination sermon preached on June 28, 1749).—John 13:15–16. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- Even As I Have Kept My Father’s Commandments.—John 15:10. McMullen, 2004.
- Unbelievers Condemn the Glory and Excellency of Christ (Preached in May, 1736).—Acts 4:11. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- A Man May Eternally Undo Himself in One Thought of His Heart.—Acts 8:20–22. Nichols, 2003; SDG, 2004.
- That Particular Repentance is Necessary to Salvation.—Acts 8:22. Nichols, 2003.
- A Natural Condition Is a Dreadful Condition.—Acts 16:29, 30. Nichols, 2001.
- When the Spirit of God Has Been Remarkably Poured Out on a People, a Thorough Reformation of Those Things That Before Were Amiss Amongst Them Ought to Be the Effect of It.—Acts 19:19. McMullen, 2003.
- Sinners delaying and putting off the great concern of their souls till a supposed more convenient season.—Acts 24:25. Grosart, 1865/SDG 1992.
- God Sometimes Punishes Sin by Giving Men Up to Sin.—Rom 1:24. Nichols, 2018.
- Unawakened Sinners Heap Up to Themselves Wrath Against the Day of Wrath as Men Are Wont to Heap Up Treasures.—Romans 2:5a. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017; Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners.—Rom 3:19. Banner, vol. 1 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- The Grace of God in the New Covenant Eminently Appears in That We Are Justified Only by Faith.—Rom 4:16. SDG, 2006.
- Peace with God.—Romans 5:1. Grosart, 1865/SDG, 1992.
- There Never Was Any Love That Could Be Paralleled with the Dying Love of Christ.—Rom 5:7–8. McMullen, 2003.
- Natural Men Are God’s Enemies.—Rom 5:10. Nichols, 2001.
- It Is One Design That God Has Upon His Heart to Show How Terrible His Wrath Is.—Rom 9:22. SDG, Repent, 2005.
- Though a People that Live under Means are Wont in General to Seek and Hope for Salvation yet ’tis the Election Only that Obtain and the Rest are Blinded.—Rom 11:7. Nichols, 2018.
- Christians Have Communion with Christ.—1 Cor 1:9. Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- Don’t Lead Others into Sin.—1 Corinthians 8:13. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Is the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ.—1 Cor 10:16[a]. Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- The Thing Designed in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Is the Communion of Christians in the Body and Blood of Christ.—1 Cor 10:16[b]. Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- The Lord’s Supper Was Instituted as a Solemn Representation and Seal of the Holy and Spiritual Union of Christ’s People Have with Christ and One Another.—1 Cor 11:17. Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- Persons Ought to Examine Themselves of Their Fitness Before They Presume to Partake of the Lord’s Supper.—1 Cor 11:28–29. Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Is A Very Sacred Ordinance.—1 Cor 11:29. WJE 17, 1999; Kistler (NHP), 2024.
- Christ Exalted (Preached in August, 1738).—1 Cor 15:25–26. SDG, 1997.
- The Perpetuity and Change of the Sabbath.—1 Cor 16:1–2. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- It Is Crime Enough to Render Any Man a Cursed Person, Not to Love Jesus Christ.—1 Cor 16:22. SDG, 2006.
- Ministries and Their People Most Meet One Another Before Christ’s Tribunal on the Day of Judgment.—2 Cor 1:14. SDG, 2006.
- Persons Ought Not to Rest Ignorant and Unresolved About Their Own State Whether They Be Real Christians or No.—2 Cor 13:5. Nichols, 2001.
- The Gospel No Encouragement to Sin (1731–32).—Gal 2:17. Minkema, 2019.
- Christ’s Particular Respect to Every Believer in His Work of Redemption (1728–29).—Gal 2:20. Minkema, 2019.
- The Holy Spirit the Sum of the Blessings Purchased for Us by Christ (1746).—Gal 3:13. Minkema, 2019.
- Christ and Believers One Mystical Person (1746).—Gal 3:16. Minkema, 2019.
- Saving Faith Worketh by Love (1751).—Gal 5:6. Minkema, 2019.
- Only that Sort of Faith that Works by Love Avails Anything before God (1728).—Gal 5:6. Minkema, 2019.
- Flesh and Spirit (1745).—Gal 5:17. Minkema, 2019.
- Corrupt Communication (For a meeting of the young people, July 1740).—Ephesians 4:29. SDG, Rising, 2005.
- ’Tis No Matter What We Go Through in Order to Salvation So That We Do But Obtain It at Last.—Philippians 3:11. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- Christ Is the Christian’s All.—Col 3:11. SDG, 2004.
- In True Conversion Men’s Bodies Are in Some Respect Changed as Well as Their Souls.—1 Thess 5:23. McMullen, 2003.
- Jesus Christ Is the Great Mediator and Head of Union in Whom All Elect Creatures in Heaven and Earth Are United to God and to One Another.—1 Tim 2:5. McMullen, 2003.
- God Is a Being Possessed of the Most Absolutely Perfect Happiness.—1 Tim 6:15. Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- Wicked Men are the Devil’s Captives.—2 Timothy 2:26. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- The Scripture is the Word of God.—2 Timothy 3:16. Grosart 1865/SDG 1992.
- Men Are Exceeding Prone to Bring Their Principles to Agree With Their Lusts (1738).—2 Tim 4:3. Nichols, 2003.
- Jesus Christ Is the Shining Forth of the Father’s Glory.—Heb 1:3. McMullen, 2004.
- Christ Is a Person of Transcendent Worthiness in the Sight of God.—Heb 1:5. Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- Jesus Christ is Both the Only Priest and Sacrifice by which Eternal Redemption is Obtained for Believers.—Heb 9:12. Nichols, 2018.
- God Is a Consuming Fire.—Heb 12:29. Nichols, 2018.
- Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever (Preached in April, 1738).—Heb 13:8. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- Those Who Love Christ Shall Receive of Him a Crown of Life.—James 1:12. McMullen, 2004.
- ’Tis Impossible That God Should Be Under Any Temptation to Do Anything That Is Evil.—James 1:13. McMullen, 2003.
- That God Is the Father of Lights.—Jam 1:17. McMullen, 2003.
- True Grace Distinguished from the Experience of Devils.—James 2:19. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- If Persons Have Ever Tasted the Sweetness of the Word and the Grace of Christ, They Will Be Longing for More of It.—1 Peter 2:2–3. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- It Would Have Been Better for Some Persons If Christ Never Had Come into the World to Save Sinners.—1 Pet 2:8. McMullen, 2004.
- That a Christian Spirit Is of Great Price in the Sight of God.—1 Pet 3:4. McMullen, 2004.
- Those wicked men who lived before the flood, and went to hell in Noah’s time, are there still.—1 Peter 3:19, 20. Grosart 1865/SDG 1992.
- Men’s Addiction to Sin Is No Excuse, but an Aggravation.—2 Pet 2:14. SDG, 2004.
- The Spirit of the True Saints Is a Spirit of Divine Love.—1 John 4:16. McMullen, 2004.
- Nothing Else Is Required of Us in Order to Our Having an Interest in Christ, but That We Should Find It in Our Hearts to Be Willing That Christ Should Be Ours and We His.—Rev 3:20. McMullen, 2003.
- The Excellency of Christ (Preached in August, 1736).—Rev 5:5–6. Banner, vol. 1 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- Christ Was Worthy of His Exaltation upon the Account of His Being Slain.—Rev 5:12. McMullen, 2004.
- Wicked Men Will Hereafter Wish to Be Turned to Nothing and Forever Cease to Be that They May Escape the Wrath of God.—Rev. 6:15–16. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- Praise One of the Chief Employments of Heaven (Preached on November 7, 1734).—Rev 14:2. SDG, 1997.
- The End of the Wicked Contemplated by the Righteous (1733).—Rev 18:20. Nichols, 2006.
- ’Tis Not Inconsistent With the Attributes of God to Punish Ungodly Men With a Misery That Is Eternal.—Rev. 19:2–3. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- In Hell Is Inflicted the Fierceness of the Wrath of a Being That Is Almighty.—Rev 19:15. McMullen, 2004; Nichols, 2006.
- That Wicked Men’s Sins Lie at Their Door.—Gen 4:7. McMullen, 2004; SDG, 2006.
- The Way to Obtain the Blessing of God Is Not to Let Him Go Except He Bless Us.—Gen 32:26–29. McMullen, 2003; SDG, 2006.
- Men Provoke God by Their Sins till God Takes up a Resolution that they Never Shall Be Saved.—Num 14:22, 23. SDG, 2006; Nichols, 2018.
- Christian Charity.—Deut 15:7–11. SDG, 2006; Kistler, 2014/2017.
- Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.—Deut 32:35. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- God Has Sworn That He Will Be Revenged on Wicked Men (1738).—Deut 32:40–42. SDG, Repent, 2005; Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- Unresolvedness in Religion Is Very Unreasonable.—1 Kings 18:21. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 2006.
- God Is Very Angry at the Sins of Children (To the children at a private meeting, February 1740–41).—2 Kings 2:23–24. Nichols, 2001; SDG, Rising, 2005.
- Hypocrites Deficient in the Duty of Prayer.—Job 27:10. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- ’Tis the Spirit of a Truly Godly Man to Prefer God before All Other Things Either in Heaven or on Earth (April, 1736) [“God the Best Portion of the Christian”].—Psa 73:25. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997; SDG, 2004.
- That God Is Everywhere Present.—Psa 139:7–10. McMullen, 2003; SDG, 2004.
- That Wicked Men, Though for a While They may Seem to Forsake their Sins, Yet if their Natures are Not Changed, They will be Very Liable to Return to Them Again.—Prov 26:11. Nichols, 2018; Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment in Christ (Preached in August, 1736).—Isa 32:2. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997; Nichols, 2001.
- Those Only Who Are Holy Are on the Way to Heaven.—Isa 35:8. WJE 10, 1992; Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- ’Tis Unreasonable to Think that God Will Take No Care to Punish the Wickedness That There Is in the World.—Jer 5:9. SDG, Repent, 2005; Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- When God Sends His Messengers to Preach His Word, His Word Shall Not Be in Vain.—Ezek 3:27. WJE 17, 1999; Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- It Is God’s Manner to Make Men Sensible of Their Misery and Unworthiness.—Hos 5:15. Banner, vol. 2 (1974//1992); Nichols, 2001.
- The Gospel Dispensation Is Finished Wholly and Entirely in Free and Glorious Grace.—Zech 4:7. WJE 10, 1992; Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- The Pure in Heart Blessed (Preached in Stockbridge, MA in 1753).—Matt 5:8. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- The Punishment and Misery of Wicked Men in Another World Will Be in Proportion to the Sin that They are Guilty of.—Matt 5:22. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- That the Entrance into Eternal Life is a Strait and Narrow Passage.—Matt 7:14a. Grosart, 1865/SDG, 1992; Nichols, 2018.
- Not Every One that Saith unto me Lord, Lord, Shall Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that Doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven.—Matt 7:21. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017; Nichols, 2018; Kistler, (NHP), 2016/2022.
- The Bodies of Wicked Men, as Well as Their Souls, Will be Punished Forever in Hell.—Matt 10:28. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006; Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- Sudden Conversions Are Very Often False.—Matt 13:5. Nichols, 2018. Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- The Wicked Hereafter Will Be Cast into a Furnace of Fire (1733).—Matt 13:41–42. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- The Eternity of Hell Torments (1739).—Matt 25:46. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2006.
- The Torments of Hell Will Be Eternal.—Mark 9:44. SDG, Repent, 2005. Nichols, 2006.
- The Spiritual Blessings of the Gospel Are Fitly Represented by a Feast.—Luke 14:16. WJE 14, 1997; Kistler (NHP), 2007/2024.
- Pressing into the Kingdom of God.—Luke 16:16. Banner, vol. 1 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- The Torments of Hell are Exceedingly Great.—Luke 16:24. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- Wicked Men in Hell Will Remember How Things Were with Them Here in this World.—Luke 16:25. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- The Wicked in Hell Will be Sensible What a Happy State the Saints are in in Heaven.—Luke 16:25. SDG, Repent, 2005; Nichols, 2006.
- The New Birth.—John 3:3. WJE 17, 1999; Kistler (NHP), 2024.
- Christ the Example of Ministers (An ordination sermon preached on June 28, 1749).—John 13:15–16. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- Unbelievers Condemn the Glory and Excellency of Christ (Preached in May, 1736).—Acts 4:11. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- A Man May Eternally Undo Himself in One Thought of His Heart.—Acts 8:20–22. Nichols, 2003; SDG, 2004.
- Unawakened Sinners Heap Up to Themselves Wrath Against the Day of Wrath as Men Are Wont to Heap Up Treasures.—Romans 2:5a. Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017; Kistler (NHP), 2016/2022.
- The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners.—Rom 3:19. Banner, vol. 1 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Is A Very Sacred Ordinance.—1 Cor 11:29. WJE 17, 1999; Kistler (NHP), 2024.
- The Perpetuity and Change of the Sabbath.—1 Cor 16:1–2. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Kistler (NHP), 2014/2017.
- Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever (Preached in April, 1738).—Heb 13:8. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- True Grace Distinguished from the Experience of Devils.—James 2:19. Banner, vol. 2 (1974/1992); Nichols, 2001.
- The Excellency of Christ (Preached in August, 1736).—Rev 5:5–6. Banner, vol. 1 (1974/1992); SDG, 1997.
- In Hell Is Inflicted the Fierceness of the Wrath of a Being That Is Almighty.—Rev 19:15. McMullen, 2004; Nichols, 2006.