Nathanael Vincent, The Conversion of a Sinner Explained and Applied (London: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, at the Golden Bible on London-Bridge, under the Gate, 1669), 88.7. Not only his Word, and Ministers, and Spirit, but also his Providences call upon you to turn to God. Both his mercies and his judgements do press this exhortation to conversion. The streams of goodness that continually run towards you, and which sometimes swell and overflow abundantly, do signifie that ’tis your wisdom to forsake the broken cisterns, and come to the fountain of living waters. His mercies speak this language, that 'tis good to return into, and obtain an interest in the Father of them. Then these mercies will be in mercy. Cords of love are cast about you on purpose to draw you unto the God of love and peace. Oh that you would run to him! The riches of his goodness are unlocked and discovered, that hereby you may be led unto repentance, Rom. 2.4.
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