March 28, 2009

Lawrence Proctor on Amyraut’s “Equally for All”

78. In this way, Amyraut could say that Christ died equally for all. In the statement that Christ died pro omnibus equiliter (explained Daillé, Apologiae ii 632), the theologians of Saumur meant the adverb to signify that there is none for whom Christ did not die; it does not mean that all are equal in affection or will of God in giving Christ to die. Cf. Drost, Specimen 25: Amyraut and Testard explained the death of Christ for all equally in terms of sufficiency . . . . Amyraut explained the two uses of the adverb in De Grat (Gen) 223.
Lawrence Proctor, The Theology of Moïse Amyraut Considered as a Reaction Against Seventeenth-Century Calvinism (PhD diss., University of Leeds, 1952), 376n78. Aquinas said, “Christ’s merit bears the same relation to all men in point of sufficiency, not in point of efficacy [quod meritum Christi quantum ad sufficientiam aequaliter se habet ad omnes, non autem quantum ad efficaciam].”—Thomas Aquinas, QDeVer.Q29.A7.Rep4

In addition to other things, I am currently working through Proctor's thesis (Dr. Curt Daniel sent me a copy). I wish I knew Latin and French. In the near future, I will work through Van Stam's thesis on Amyraut as well, and blog any interesting discoveries.

1 comment:

Hazlett Lynch said...

That Amyraut is the true interpreter of Calvin was attested clearly by his prosecutors when they were unable to condemn Amyraut at the Synod of Alencon in 1637, because he quoted so fully and freely from Calvin's works. Daille's theological agreement with both Amyraut and Calvin,is yet another piece of historical and theological corroborating evidence that Amyraut was Calvin's true interpreter.