Stephen Charnock cites John 1:29 and then references Amyraut’s writings for a proper understanding of “takes away the sin of the World.”

Stephen Charnock, “A Discourse of Christ Our Passover,” in The Works of Stephen Charnock (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1985), 4:507.
In his introduction to Charnock’s Works, M‘Cosh noted:
These stats argue against the broad brushing of Beeke and/or Jones who say without careful qualification that the “Puritans also opposed the views of the Amyraldians and their hypothetical universalism…” (Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life [Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2012], 360). Clearly Beeke is not aware of Charnock’s moderate Calvinism or his fondness for Amyraldian theology, even on the extent of Christ’s satisfaction.

Stephen Charnock, “A Discourse of Christ Our Passover,” in The Works of Stephen Charnock (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1985), 4:507.
If number of citations are any indication it would appear the School of Saumur in France made the largest impression on Charnock next to puritanism. In his Works he cited Moise Amyraut 130 times and Jean Daille 79 times. The next largest number of citations of anyone not affiliated with the School of Saumur was the Roman Catholic Francisco Suarez with 44 and Johannes Cocceius 33 times. From the School of Saumur and those affiliated with it he referred to Amyraut, Daille, Louis Cappel, Jean Mestrezat, John Cameron, Paul Testard, Michel Le Faucheur, Josue de Place (Placeus) and the Theses Salmuriensis a total of 254 times … After the ejection Charnock visited France for an extended period and brought back the French reformers' books as well as their ideas.Larry Daniel Siekawitch, Stephen Charnonck’s Doctrine of the Knowledge of God: A Case Study of the Balance of Head and Heart in Restoration Puritanism (PhD diss., University of Wales, Bangor, 2007), 70.
In his introduction to Charnock’s Works, M‘Cosh noted:
Among contemporary philosophic writers, he quotes from Gassendi and Voetius. His favourite uninspired writers were evidently the reformers, and those who defended and systematised their theology. Amyraut, and Suarez, and Daille were evidently favourites; and he was familiar with Turretine, Ames, Zanchius, Cocceius, Crellius, Cameron, Grotius, and many others; nay, he is not so bigoted as to overlook the high church Anglican divines of his own age.James M‘Cosh, “Introduction,” in The Complete Works of Stephen Charnock, B.D., 5 vols. (Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1865), 1:xiii. This is an approximate number of explicit citations of some the Saumur theologians in his Works: volume 1: Amyraut, 22 times; Daille, 20 times; Cameron, 1 time; volume 2: Amyraut, 38 times; Daille, 13 times; Testard, 2 times; Cameron, 4 times; volume 3: Amyraut, 6 times; Daille, 10 times; Cameron, 4 times; volume 4: Amyraut, 39 times; Daille, 24 times; Cameron, 2 times; volume 5: Amyraut, 12 times; Daille, 13 times; Cameron, 6 times.
These stats argue against the broad brushing of Beeke and/or Jones who say without careful qualification that the “Puritans also opposed the views of the Amyraldians and their hypothetical universalism…” (Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life [Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2012], 360). Clearly Beeke is not aware of Charnock’s moderate Calvinism or his fondness for Amyraldian theology, even on the extent of Christ’s satisfaction.
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