Cotton Mather, “The Door of Hope,” in Seven Select Lectures of Mr. Cotton Mather (London: Printed for Nath. Hiller, at the Princes Arms, in Leaden-Hall-Street, over against St. Mary Axe, 1695), 105–106.Consider. 2. The Gospel invitation makes your Salvation among the things that may be hoped for. God has done the Acts of one desiring your Salvation; he has done just as one willing that you should all come unto Repentance. Why should you have any doubt of your being excluded from his Mercy? The Lord Jesus Christ is come into the World, one mighty to save, one able to save unto the uttermost. And who are concerned in it? We are told in 1 Tim. 1:15 it was the chief of Sinners. It may be thou hast been even a Ring-leader in wickedness, yet such as you did the Lord Jesus appear to save. He does invite every one of you to come unto himself; he says in Isa. 55:1 Ho every one that thirsteth, come. He says in John 7:37 If any man thirst, let him come. You say, I don't thirst. To what I Answer, Are you willing to come? Then you thirst. You may come; 'tis said in Rev. 22:17 Whosoever will, let him come. Behold, the Great King this day holds out the Golden Scepter to every one of you all; you may all draw near and live. What can be more full than that in John 6:37. Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. What? Is thy Name excepted there? Did the Lord Jesus ever say, I except John such an one? Or, I except Mary such an one? Truly, no. Immortal Souls, the loud Call of the Lord Jesus from the lofty Battlements of Heaven, is that in Isa. 45:22. Look unto me, and be saved. And we have a Commission from our Glorious Royal Master to tell you, That you are all concerned in it.
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