November 2, 2014

Thomas Larkham (1602–1669) on Christ's Sufficient Satisfaction for the Sins of the Whole World

Doct. Not any defect in God or his Son Christ, but man's own unworthiness deprives him of good.

There is here no defect in God; Christ is given to death, the Father's Justice is satisfied, he hath by his own oblation of himself once offered, made a full, perfect, and sufficient oblation and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world. The Wedding truly is ready; Though your sins be as crimson (saith God) I will make them as white as snow. If there were ten thousand times more sins, and wicked persons then there be; yet the Wedding is read; nothing can hinder from mercy, such as are willing to accept it. O Judas, thou didst commit a very great sin in betraying thy Master; but a far greater in running from him, and hanging thy self. The former was to make his Manhood cease to be, the latter was as it were a nulling of his Godhead, a very murder as it were of Christ's Deity. Mary Magdalen was a woman out of whom went seven Devils, a sinner in the worst sense; yet there was not a more holy woman living afterward. She came to Christ, much was forgiven her; there's enough in God, enough in Christ. Not any want of will in God. As I live saith the Lord, I do not desire the death of a sinner. Not any want in Christ, for he paid enough for a thousand worlds. But they which were bidden, were not worthy. Man's unworthiness deprives him of good.
Thomas Larkham, The Wedding-Supper (London: Printed, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, at his shop at the black spread Eagle, neer the West end of Pauls, 1652), 138–139.


1 comment:

Tony Byrne said...

This quote is also somewhat noteworthy:

"Obj. But may some say, All shall not be saved, all are not elected; therefore some are commanded to believe a lie: for if they be commanded to believe that Christ died for them, and he did not (as he did not if they belong not to God's election) then they are commanded to believe a lie.

Sol. For solution and satisfaction, most certainly, every one that believes in the Lord Jesus, and takes Christ offered in the Gospel, shall be saved by him. He that believes Christ died for him, believes no lie, but a truth. And it is a sin not to believe. And John 5:40. Christ complains of the Jews that they would not come to him that they might have life. They that do not believe shall be damned; they have made God a liar, and their damnation is of themselves. But yet, as there is God's will of precept; so there is his will of working; and he will call in all his elect. The command of the world we ought to look after; and so to do, is a sign of salvation. 2 Thess. 1:10. When he shall come to be glorified in his Saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony was believed among you) in that day."

Thomas Larkham, The Wedding-Supper, pp. 235-236.