A–B | C–D | E–F | G–H | I–J | K–L | M–N | O–P | Q–R | S–T | U–V | W–X | Y–Z |
Alexander, Joseph Addison (1809–1860) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Alleine, Joseph (1634–1668) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Alleine, Richard (1611–1681) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Ambrose, Aurelius of Milan (c.340–397) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Ambrose, Isaac (1604–1664) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- Isaac Ambrose on God Begging
- Isaac Ambrose on Christ’s Affectionate Invitations
- Isaac Ambrose on the Reason Why God’s People Delight in Duties
Amyraut, Moïse (1596–1664) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Annesley, Samuel (c.1620–1696) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Anyan, Thomas (c.1580–1632) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A Writings: N/A
Appleton, Nathaniel (1693–1784) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Chamberlain Writings: N/A
- Nathaniel Appleton on the Will of God and the Death of Christ
- Nathaniel Appleton on God’s Preceptive Will and His Willingness to Save All Men
†Arrowsmith, John (1602–1659) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
- John Arrowsmith on God’s Common Favor
- John Arrowsmith on 2 Peter 3:9 and Romans 2:4
- John Arrowsmith on God’s Will and Permission
- Bartholomew Ashwood on the Lord’s Good-Will for Sinners
- Bartholomew Ashwood on God’s Benevolent Love
Atkinson, Benjamin Andrews (c.1680–1765) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wilson (in post)
Attersoll, William (†1640) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Augustine of Hippo (354–430) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- Augustine Quotes on Christ’s Death
- Augustine (via Aquinas) on Christ’s Scars
- A Common Quotation from Augustine?
- Augustine on 1 Timothy 1:15
- John Calvin’s Reference to Augustine on God’s Love and Hate
- Augustine on Christ Begging
- Augustine on God’s Invincible Will
- Augustine on God’s Love and the Son’s Dying for Men
- More Wonderful Paradoxes in Augustine
- Augustine on Matthew 5:44–45
- Augustine on Loving the Man But Hating the Vice
- Augustine on “Perfect Hatred”
- Augustine on God’s Wish and Will
- Augustine on His Immoderate Praise of Plato and His Later Views on Romans 7:14
Bagshaw, William (1628–1702) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Ball, Nathanael (1623–1689) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
- Nathanael Ball on Christ’s Real Offer
- Nathanael Ball on Despising Christ’s Offers and Messages of Love
- Nathanael Ball on Christ’s Earnest Offer of Liberty
- Nathanael Ball on Christ’s Absolute and Conditional Will to Save
- Nathanael Ball Referencing 2 Peter 3:9
- Nathanael Ball on Pleading, not Merely Publishing
- Nathanael Ball on the Three Great Suitors Seeking Us
- Remaining Quotes that Highlight the Revealed Will of God in Nathanael Ball’s Spiritual Bondage and Freedom
Baron, Robert (c.1593/6–1639) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB (2) Writings: PRDL
Bartlet, John (c.1599–1680) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB
Bastingius, Jeremias (1551–1595) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: OER Writings: PRDL
Bates, William (1625–1699) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- William Bates on Regenerating and Common Grace
- William Bates on the Judgment of the Wicked
- William Bates on Christ’s Sufficiency
- William Bates on the Perfection of Christ’s Sacrifice
- William Bates on Common and Special Grace
- William Bates on God’s Earnest Offer
- William Bates on God’s General and Special Love
- William Bates on Baxter’s Middle-Way
- William Bates on Despising Redeeming Mercy
- The Whole Works of William Bates
- Herman Bavinck on Equivalency, Sufficiency and Commercialism
- Herman Bavinck on the External Call and Gospel Offer
- Herman Bavinck on Irresistible Grace
- Herman Bavinck on God’s Love, Goodness, and the Means of Grace
- Richard Baxter on ‘Did Christ Die for Those Who Perished in the OT?’
- Richard Baxter on the Influence of Names
- Identifying With Richard Baxter’s Reaction Against Antinomianism
- Richard Baxter on Praise
- Richard Baxter on ‘Did Christ Shed His Blood in Vain?’
- Richard Baxter on Universal Redemption
- Richard Baxter on Faith as a Fruit of Christ’s Death
- Richard Baxter on ‘Does an Unlimited Expiation Imply an Imperfect Redeemer?’
- Richard Baxter on Christ’s Death for Those Already in Hell
- Richard Baxter on the Wedding Feast, Christ’s Objective Sufficiency and the “New Futile Evasion”
- Richard Baxter on Augustine and Redemption
- Richard Baxter on the World in 2 Cor. 5:19
- Richard Baxter on Moral Power as Distinct from Natural Faculties
- Richard Baxter on God Kneeling to Entreat
- Richard Baxter on the Arrogancy of Some in Believing Half-Truths
- Richard Baxter Answers the Double Payment Question
- Richard Baxter on the Old Sufficiency/Efficiency Solution
- Richard Baxter on Christ’s Prayer in John 17
- Richard Baxter on John 17:9
- Richard Baxter’s Notes on 1 Timothy 2:5–6
Becon, Thomas (c.1512–1567) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Bellamy, Joseph (1719–1790) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Berkhof, Louis (1873–1957) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
- Louis Berkhof on the Bona Fide Character of the External Call
- Louis Berkhof on the Great Love of God in the External Calling
Bernard, Nicholas (†1661) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: DNB Writings: PRDL
Bèza, Théodore (1519–1605) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Blackwood, Christopher (1606–1670) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Brook
Bolton, Robert (1572–1631) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB, Brook Writings: PRDL
Bownd/Bound, George (d.1662) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: N/A
Boyce, James P. (1827–1888) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
Bradford, John (1510–1555) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Brainerd, David (1718–1747) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki
†Bridge, William (1600–1670) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
Bucer, Martin (1491–1551) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
¶Bullinger, Heinrich (1504–1575) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki Writings: PRDL
Burkitt, William (1650–1703) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Burroughs, Jeremiah (c.1600–1646) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Heinrich Bullinger on Christ’s Expiation
- Heinrich Bullinger on General Grace
- Cornelis P. Venema on Heinrich Bullinger and God’s Will
- Heinrich Bullinger on Romans 2:4 and God’s Wish
- A Quote from John Bunyan’s Reprobation Asserted on Christ’s Death for All
- John Bunyan on Christ’s Sufficiency
- John Bunyan on General Love and Grace
- John Bunyan on God’s Grace, Goodness, Offers and Saving Will
- John Bunyan on the Heart of the Savior
- John Bunyan on the Power of Christ
- John Bunyan on the Mercy and Love of God
- John Bunyan’s Evangelistic Appeal in His Preface to The Jerusalem Sinner Saved
- John Bunyan on Reprobation and the Loving Heart of God
- Anthony Burgess on Ezekiel 33:11
- Anthony Burgess on Common Love and Outward Mercies
- Anthony Burgess on the General and Peculiar Love of God
- Anthony Burgess on God’s Will for Adam’s Obedience
Burkitt, William (1650–1703) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
†Burroughs, Jeremiah (c.1600–1646) Citation(s): Tag/Label Bio: Wiki, DNB Writings: PRDL
- Jeremiah Burroughs on Means to Draw Sinners to Christ
- Jeremiah Burroughs on 1 Peter 3:18–20
- Jeremiah Burroughs on God Begging
- Jeremiah Burroughs on Hell as an Infinite Ocean of Scalding Lead
- Jeremiah Burroughs on Hosea 9:15 and the Difference Between Temporal and Everlasting Love
- Jeremiah Burroughs on Hosea 11:4 and the Difference in the Love of God