What will happen is that the universe will become so over-weighted with typos that it will collapse and fall into the ligher parallel universe. In that universe, John Gill was a well-meant offer/common grace Calvinist. Hoeksema was a process theologian. John Murray was a fatalist anti-common gracer. John Owen was a Pelagian Lutheran.
October 5, 2022: Lately I have been working on a backup site for Calvin and Calvinism (click) on Blogger since the main site has been disconnected on occasion, so be sure to visit there and bookmark the site for later usage. It is just getting started, but the posts will eventually be linked and supplied.
I am an evangelical Christian with a B. A. in Biblical Studies from Criswell College. My basic doctrinal positions are Baptistic, moderately Calvinistic and historic premillennial.
One of my preoccupations is researching and blogging primary sources that relate to my exploration into the revealed will of God as viewed in Calvinistic history. For decades I worked with David Ponter as a co-researcher and close friend. Together we have compiled the material on my Theological Mediations blog, and on his Calvin and Calvinism (backup site #2) website.
What will happen is that the universe will become so over-weighted with typos that it will collapse and fall into the ligher parallel universe. In that universe, John Gill was a well-meant offer/common grace Calvinist. Hoeksema was a process theologian. John Murray was a fatalist anti-common gracer. John Owen was a Pelagian Lutheran.
Zane Hodge is a legalist...
And David Ponter is a brilliant and svelt typist.
I thenk david pontar tipes reely good
eye uhgree :-)
lol yoo guys ar soo meen! reepent!
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